Notice Title

New Zealand Transport Agency (Speed Limits on State Highways) Amendment Bylaw 2014/1

Pursuant to section 61(3) of the Government Roading Powers Act 1989, section 22AB of the Land Transport Act 1998 and the Land Transport Rule: Setting of Speed Limits 2003, the NZ Transport Agency hereby makes the following bylaw.
B y l a w
1. Title and commencement-This bylaw may be cited as the New Zealand Transport Agency (Speed Limits on State Highways) Amendment Bylaw 2014/1 and will come into force 28 days after the date of publication of this notice in the New Zealand Gazette.
2. Amendments-The New Zealand Transport Agency (Speed Limits on State Highways) Bylaw 2010/10* is hereby amended by:
- Amending line 631 in Schedule 1 to read:
"Line No.: 631
Region: 7
SH No.: 45
Locality: Oakura
Section of State Highway: From 140m north of Dixon Street to 45m south of Wairau Road.
Speed Limit (km/h): 50
New Zealand Gazette Reference: 7/02/2014, No 15, p 341".
- Deleting line 632 in Schedule 1.
- Amending line 935 in Schedule 1 to read:
"Line No.: 935
Region: 12
SH No.: 7
Locality: Ngahere
Section of State Highway: From 280m north-east of Nelson Creek Road to 245m south of Red Jacks Road.
Speed Limit (km/h): 80
New Zealand Gazette Reference: 7/02/2014, No 15, p 341".
3. Authority to Make Bylaw-This bylaw was made by the Chief Advisor (Professional Services) Highways and Network Operations, under delegated authority of the
NZ Transport Agency.
Signed on behalf of the NZ Transport Agency by:
DAVID BATES, Chief Advisor (Professional Services), Highways and Network Operations.
*Supplement to the New Zealand Gazette, 1 September 2010, No. 112, page 2967