Notice Title

Designation of a Port Security Area

Publication Date
21 Aug 2014


Maritime Security Act Designation of port security areas

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Principal Edition, 21 August 2014.
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Pursuant to section 45 of the Maritime Security Act
2004, I, Renny VanderVeld, Manager Maritime Security and Incident Response of Maritime New Zealand, acting under delegated authority, hereby designate the following area at North Mole Wharf, Timaru, as a port security area:
- All that port area within the fenced boundary from Marine Parade, bordered by Unwin Road, along the seaward side of the North Mole Wharf, including
the area known as the Shoreline, to the fence line adjacent to No. 3 Wharf, and the fence line to Marine Parade.
This designation comes into force on the day after the date of notification in the New Zealand Gazette.
Dated this 18th day of August 2014.
RENNY VANDERVELD, Manager Maritime Security and Incident Response of Maritime New Zealand (acting under delegated authority).