Pursuant to subclause 3.4(1) of Land Transport Rule: Traffic Control Devices 2004 ("the Rule") and a delegation from the NZ Transport Agency, I, Glenn Bunting, Network Manager, authorise the installation and maintenance of the sharrow symbol (shared lane) road marking and alternative cycle lane markings:
(a) for the purpose described in Schedule 1;
(b) in the form and layout, set out in Schedule 2;
(c) at the locations stated in Schedule 3;
(d) for the period specified in Schedule 4; and
(e) subject to an evaluation in accordance with Schedule 5.
The sharrow symbol may be marked on roads that are not suitable for dedicated cycle lanes to indicate an area of roadway that bicycles and motor vehicles should share. To distinguish shared lanes from dedicated cycle lanes, cycle lanes must be marked with the cycle symbol and the word "LANE". The sharrow symbol and cycle "LANE" marking may be installed for the purpose of evaluating their use and the trial will be called the "Sharrow symbol road marking trial - Dunedin, Nelson, Wellington".
Schedule 1-Purpose of trial
The purpose of the trial is to:
(a) evaluate the effectiveness and safety of new road markings and the alternative use of existing
road markings;
(b) enable the cycle symbol road marking, which is currently dedicated to identifying cycle lanes, to be used as a component of the sharrow symbol road marking to identify shared lanes.
Schedule 2-Form and layout of cycle lane and sharrow markings
The markings used to identify a cycle lane or to identify a shared lane must comply with the following:
(a) A cycle lane listed in Schedule 3 of this notice must be marked at the start of the lane and after each intersection along its length with:
(i) the cycle symbol illustrated in diagram M2-3 in Schedule 2 of the Rule; and
(ii) the word "LANE" beyond the cycle symbol;
(b) additional cycle lane markings, including the word "LANE", may be marked in the lane if the road controlling authority considers it necessary to discourage the use of the lane by other vehicles or
to draw attention to the likely presence of cycles in the lane;
(c) the cycle symbol must be a minimum of one metre wide x 1.7 metres long;
(d) the shape, spacing and dimensions of the letters in the word "LANE" must conform with diagram M8-2 in Schedule 2 of the Rule, except that dimensions may be reduced to 75% of those specified for urban road markings, provided the letters have a minimum longitudinal stroke width of 100mm. Note: When marked in letters which are 75% of the size of standard urban road markings, "LANE" will be 1.2 metres wide by 1.8 metres long. If it is essential to mark the word "LANE" in a place where the width of the cycle lane is less than 1.3 metres, the width of
the letters and spacing between letters may be reduced to less than 75% of the dimensions for urban road markings;
(e) a shared lane listed in Schedule 3 of this notice may be marked with the sharrow symbol consisting of:
(i) the cycle symbol illustrated in diagram M2-3 in Schedule 2 of the Rule; and
(ii) two chevrons pointing forward, marked beyond the cycle symbol;
(f) the cycle lane markings and sharrow symbol described in this Schedule must be white;
(g) the minimum dimensions of the sharrow symbol must comply with the following layout diagram:
Layout of sharrow symbol
Schedule 3-Location
Cycle lanes approved for this trial, which must be marked with the word "LANE" in addition to the existing cycle symbols, are located on the following roads:
(a) Roads controlled by Nelson City Council:
(i) Bridge Street, on the Aratuna Normanby Bridge;
(ii) Collingwood Street, from the intersection with Wainui Street and Weka Street to Grove Street;
(iii) Rutherford Street, from Selwyn Place to Bronte Street;
(b) Roads controlled by Wellington City Council:
(i) Oriental Parade and Evans Bay Parade, from Carlton Gore Road to Greta Point.
Shared lanes approved for this trial, which may be marked with the sharrow symbol, are located on the following roads:
(a) Roads controlled by Dunedin City Council:
(i) George Street, from Albany Street to Moray Place;
(ii) King Edward Street, from Hillside Road to Macandrew Road;
(b) Roads controlled by Nelson City Council:
(i) Hardy Street, from Rutherford Street to Domett Street;
(ii) Tasman Street, from Weka Street to Bridge Street;
(iii) Tasman Street, Brook Street and Westbrook Terrace, from Bridge Street to Robinson Road;
(c) Roads controlled by Wellington City Council:
(i) Featherston Street, from Whitmore Street to Hunter Street;
(ii) Hunter Street, from Featherston Street to Victoria Street;
(iii) Victoria Street, from Hunter Street to Vivian Street.
Schedule 4-Period of trial
The trial may begin after the publication of this notice and, unless terminated earlier, must end by 31 December 2014.
Schedule 5-Evaluation
An evaluation and analysis must be undertaken as outlined in the trial application documents received from Dunedin, Nelson and Wellington City Councils. The evaluation must include analysis of the following, as relevant to each trial location:
(a) Whether cyclists and motorists understand the meaning of different uses of the cycle symbol:
(i) to identify a cycle lane when marked with the word "LANE"; and
(ii) to identify a shared lane when used in the sharrow symbol; and
(b) cyclists' and motorists' understanding of the purpose of the sharrow symbol; and
(c) cyclists' and motorists' behaviour in lanes marked with the sharrow symbol; and
(d) the costs and benefits of adding the word "LANE" to all existing cycle symbols, which are currently used to identify cycle lanes, thereby enabling the cycle symbol to be used for other cycle safety purposes, such as marking shared lanes.
An evaluation report must be sent to me by 31 January 2015.
Signed at Wellington this 20th day of May 2014.
GLENN BUNTING, Network Manager.