Notice Type
Appointment/Release of Receivers & Managers
Notice Title


Notice of Appointment of Receivers and Managers
Pursuant to Section 8(1)(b) of the Receiverships Act 1993
We, David Ian Ruscoe and Richard Grant Simpson, of Grant Thornton New Zealand Limited, hereby give notice that
on 13 December 2013, the holder of a general security agreement dated the 26th day of September 2003 and a Mortgage Instrument 7498100.4 containing memorandum of mortgage 2004/4155 did appoint us jointly and severally as receivers and managers of all present and after-acquired property connected to, or arising from, the operation of
a motel at the corner of Linton Street and Chaytor Street, Palmerston North, all relevant accounts receivable, and
the lease registered under Computer Interest Register 372747 (Wellington Land Registry) and registered on Computer Freehold Register WN32A/131.
The Receivers and Managers' Address is: Grant Thornton New Zealand Limited, PO Box 10712, Wellington 6143.
Dated this 16th day of December 2013.
RICHARD SIMPSON, Receiver and Manager.
All Enquiries to: Chris Macdonald. Telephone: (04) 474 8500.