Notice Type
Land Transfers/Joint Family Homes
Notice Title

Land Transfer Act Notice

The applicant described below has applied, under section 70 of the Land Transfer Act 1952, for the removal of a right of way easement.
The applicant claims the right of way is redundant by reason of the circumstances set out below.
I intend to remove the right of way on 10 January 2014 if no objections have been received before that date.
Application: 9516985.1.
Applicant: 75 Taylors Rd Limited, c/o The Property Law Centre, 265 Campbell Road, Greenlane, Auckland 1061. Postal Address: PO Box 17393, Greenlane, Auckland 1546.
Easement: A right of way over part marked "A" on DP 84338 specified in easement certificate B239329.1 - 23 November 1983 at 11.28am.
Circumstances: The dominant land has become physically separated from the servient land caused by the subdivision and boundary adjustment shown on DP 105590.
Dated at the Hamilton Office of Land Information New Zealand this 13th day of November 2013.
LOIS ROE, for Registrar-General of Land.