Pursuant to section 16 of the New Zealand Geographic Board (Nga Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa) Act 2008 ("Act"), notice was given in the New Zealand Gazette, 26 April 2013, No. 46, page 1411, of proposals by the New Zealand Geographic Board Nga Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa ("Board") to assign new or alter existing geographic names.
Submissions received for the geographic name proposals were dealt with by the Board according to section 18 of the Act.
After considering reports from the Board, I hereby declare that my final determinations for the geographic names, made pursuant to sections 20(2) and 20(3) of the Act and as specified in the first column of the Schedule below ("Schedule"), are now the official geographic names.
The geographic feature types that these names relate to are set out in the second column of the Schedule below.
The descriptions for these names are set out in the third column of the Schedule.
The date on which I made my decisions was 3 December 2013.
My final determinations on these names shall take effect on 12 December 2013.
First Column Second Column Third Column
Official Geographic
Name Geographic
Feature Type Description
Otago Land District
Headlong Peak Peak A peak at 2457m, approximately 4km west south-west of Mount Tyndall, at the northern end of Richardson Mountains. NZTopo50 CA10-Lake Williamson, GR 497 587. Moving Headlong Peak (former official geographic name) from 2510m west by approximately 450m to a feature not named, and replacing New Zealand Gazette, 29 July 1948, No. 42, page 939. See Mount Tewha below.
Lake Te Kohua Lake A small alpine lake located approximately 1.8km east south-east
of Lake Hope at the southern end of The Remarkables. NZTopo50 CC11-Queenstown, GR 742 928. Assigning a new name to a feature not named.
Mount Tewha Mountain A peak at 2510m, approximately 3.6km west south-west of Mount Tyndall, at the northern end of Richardson Mountains. NZTopo50 CA10-Lake Williamson, GR 502 587. Altering Headlong Peak (former official geographic name) which is moved to 2457m immediately to the west, and replacing New Zealand Gazette, 29 July 1948, No. 42, page 939. See Headlong Peak above.
Mount Tuwhakaroria Mountain A significant alpine peak at 2307m, approximately 1.2km east of
Lake Hope at the southern end of The Remarkables. NZTopo50
CC11-Queenstown, GR 735 931. Assigning a new name to a feature not named.
Tapuae-o-Uenuku /
Hector Mountains Range A major alpine range running north-south along the southern arm of Lake Wakatipu. NZTopo50 CC11-Queenstown, from GR 737 900 to NZTopo50 CD11-Kingston, GR 688 575. Alteration from Hector Mountains (former official geographic name) to a dual name and replacing New Zealand Gazette, 12 June 1980, No. 66, page 1752.
Southland Land District
Pariroa / Castle Mount Mountain A significant alpine mountain at 2122m, rising above Milford
Track, approximately 11km north-west of Lake Te Anau. NZTopo50 CB08-Homer Saddle, GR 874 207. Alteration from Castle Mount (recorded name) to a dual name.
Dated at Wellington this 12th day of December 2013.
HON MAURICE WILLIAMSON, Minister for Land Information.