Notice Title

Amending a Notice-Land Declared No Longer Required for Education Purposes

Pursuant to section 70A of the Education Act 1989,
and pursuant to an authority delegated to me, I, Kim Shannon, General Manager, Schools Infrastructure Group, Ministry of Education, Wellington, hereby amend the notice headed Land Declared No Longer Required for Education Purposes and published in the New Zealand Gazette,
31 January 2013, No. 11, page 392, by replacing in the Schedule:
Lot 13 DPS 5292 (all New Zealand Gazette,
16 March 1961, No. 19, page 412), South Auckland Land Registration District."
Lot 13 DPS 5292 (all the land held in the First Schedule in New Zealand Gazette, 16 March 1961, No. 19, page 412), South Auckland Land Registration District."
Dated at Wellington this 17th day of June 2013.
KIM SHANNON, General Manager, Schools Infrastructure Group, Ministry of Education.