Notice Title

Setting Apart Maori Freehold Land as a Maori Reservation

Pursuant to section 338(1) of Te Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993, on the recommendation of the Maori Land Court, the Maori freehold land described in the Schedule hereto, as delineated on the hand-written plan submitted with the application held by the Maori Land Court, is hereby set apart as a Maori reservation for the purpose of Whare Wananga for kaupapa waka, to be known as Te Awapoko Waka Wananga Reserve for the benefit of the trustees for the time being of the Hekenukumai Nga Iwi Trust.
North Auckland Land District
Part of the general land contained in Computer Freehold Register NA46C/958, North Auckland Land Registry and described as follows:
ha Description
Part Okokori B. Dated at Wellington this 6th day of May 2013.
MICHELLE HIPPOLITE, Chief Executive, Ministry of Maori Development.
(Appln A20070011627)