Notice Title

Notice Amending the Podiatrists Board's Scopes of Practice

Pursuant to section 11(1) of the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003, the following notice is given.
This notice amends the Podiatrists Board's notice revoking the Podiatrists Board scope of practice of podiatric prescriber and amending the Podiatrists Board scope of practice of visiting podiatrist educator, published in the New Zealand Gazette,
8 September 2011, No. 138, page 3961, by removing entries 3, 4 and 5 and inserting the following entries in their place:
"3. Scope of Practice - Podiatric Radiographic Imager
A registered primary health care practitioner who holds the Scope of Practice of Podiatrist, who is qualified to use radiological equipment, and is licensed by the Ministry of Health Office of Radiation Safety, to obtain plain radiographic images and / or fluoroscopic images of the foot, ankle and lower leg.
4. Scope of Practice - Visiting Podiatrist Educator/Presenter
A visiting registered podiatrist who qualifies for the Scope of Practice of Podiatrist, and when appropriate for their specialty area of education, also qualifies for an additional Scope of Practice of Podiatric Surgeon and/or Podiatric Radiographic Imager and/or Podiatric Prescriber as determined by the Podiatrists Board, who is presenting short-term educational/instructional programmes requiring demonstrations or practices, of a clinical or practical nature."
Dated at Wellington this 1st day of October 2013.
ANNABEL WHINAM, Registrar, Podiatrists Board.