Notice Title

Notice of Replacement Qualifications Prescribed by the Nursing Council of New Zealand for Registered Nurses From Overseas (2013)

This notice, pursuant to sections 11(1) and 12(1) of the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003 ("the Act"), is the Notice of Replacement Qualifications Prescribed by the Nursing Council of New Zealand for Registered Nurses From Overseas (2013) and comes into force on 1 March 2013.
The related qualifications for registered nurses from overseas, published in the New Zealand Gazette, 19 August 2010,
No. 105, page 2844, are hereby revoked by this notice under sections 11, 12 and 14 of the Act.
Registered Nurses from Overseas
(a) Current registration with an overseas regulatory authority; and
(b) successful completion of a nursing programme that
is, in the Nursing Council’s opinion, equivalent to a three-year bachelor degree programme in nursing
and at Level 7 on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework; and
(c) two years’ post-registration nursing practice as a registered nurse of at least 2,500 hours within the five years immediately preceding the date of the application; and
(d) at the direction of the Nursing Council, successful completion of a Nursing Council approved competence assessment programme.
Dated at Wellington this 24th day of January 2013.
CAROLYN REED, Registrar, Nursing Council of
New Zealand.