Notice Title

Guidelines Issued and Advice Given to the Ethics Committee on Assisted Reproductive Technology

Pursuant to sections 35 and 36 of the Human Assisted Reproductive Technology Act 2004 ("the HART Act"), the Advisory Committee on Assisted Reproductive Technology (ACART) has issued amended and renamed Guidelines
on Surrogacy involving Assisted Reproductive Procedures
and amended Guidelines on Donation of Eggs or Sperm between Certain Family Members to the Ethics Committee on Assisted Reproductive Technology (ECART) to come into effect from Monday 16 December 2013.
Pursuant to section 35 of the HART Act, ACART has
also given updated and renamed advice to ECART on Applications that fall under more than one of the guidelines issued by ACART.
Pursuant to section 36(2) of the HART Act, the amended guidelines, with the amended advice, are available online at
from Monday 16 December 2013.
Copies are also available from the ACART Secretariat at
PO Box 5013, Wellington 6145. Telephone: (04) 816 3931. Email:
Dated at Lowburn this 10th day of December 2013.
JOHN ANGUS, Chair, Advisory Committee on Assisted Reproductive Technology.