Criteria for Proposals for National Science Challenges funding
General Introduction
In August 2012, the Government agreed to the creation of the National Science Challenges policy. The Challenges are a set of mission-led science investments that will help to address some of the most fundamental issues New Zealand faces for its future development. The process of identifying the Challenges involved significant public engagement and recommendations by an independent National Science Challenge Panel.
The Science Board will make decisions on all proposals for National Science Challenges funding. Proposals will be sought using a request for proposals document.
" Business plan - a document that outlines arrangements including the governance, management and financial structures that will be used to undertake a Challenge.
" Co-funding - cash or in-kind support provided by other organisations to the contracted party, to support the delivery of the Challenge objective, and outcomes (under the themes) for a particular proposal. Co-funding does not include funding from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment or other government departments and agencies unless they are potential users of the research and the funding is specifically to support the delivery of the Challenge objective, and outcomes (under the themes).
" Mission-led science investments - the funding of research, science, or technology or related activities directed at achieving a specific outcome.
" Outcome - the likely or achieved short- and medium-term effects of an intervention's outputs.
" Proposal - a document that comprises a research plan and a business plan for a specific Challenge.
" Related activities - includes engagement with communities, schools, businesses and end-users of research to support/ensure technology transfer and uptake; capability development directly associated with the research planned; science communication and promotion; and providing for open access and reuse of data.
" Relevant schedule - the schedule that outlines the specific Challenge objective, themes and outcomes.
" Research plan - a document that outlines a research strategy and research programme(s) that will be undertaken to achieve the objective and outcomes (under the themes) in a Challenge.
" Science priorities - areas of research, science, technology and related activities that the government has identified as key priorities.
1 Notice to the Science Board
In this notice, I:
(a) specify that the Science Board is to make funding decisions on proposals for National Science Challenges funding under section 10(3)(b) of the Research, Science, and Technology Act 2010; and
(b) set the criteria for the assessment of proposals for National Science Challenges funding under section 8(1) of the Research, Science, and Technology Act 2010.
2 General policy objective
The general policy objective of National Science Challenges funding is to fund research, science, or technology, or related activities that have the potential to:
(a) respond to the most important, national-scale issues and opportunities identified by science stakeholders and the New Zealand public;
(b) promote collaboration across a number of research providers and involve a broad portfolio of multi-disciplinary research activity;
(c) enable government to take a more long-term strategic approach to managing and coordinating mission-led science investments;
(d) complement other science priorities; and
(e) give effect to the Vision M?tauranga policy.
3 Vision M?tauranga policy
The Vision M?tauranga policy aims to unlock the science and innovation potential of M?ori knowledge, resources and people for the benefit of New Zealand. It focuses on four themes:
(a) Indigenous Innovation - contributing to economic growth through distinctive science and innovation;
(b) Taiao/Environment - achieving environmental sustainability through iwi and hap? relationships with land and sea;
(c) Hauora/Health - improving health and social wellbeing; and
(d) M?tauranga - exploring indigenous knowledge and science and innovation.
4 Science Board to make decisions on proposals for National Science Challenges funding
4.1 The Science Board will make funding decisions on proposals for National Science Challenges funding in accordance with the Research, Science, and Technology Act 2010.
4.2 In making funding decisions on proposals for National Science Challenges funding, the Science Board will allocate funds from the National Science Challenges appropriation in Vote Science and Innovation.
4.3 The Science Board must make funding decisions on proposals for National Science Challenges funding in accordance with:
(a) the Public Finance Act 1989 and the relevant Appropriation Acts for Vote Science and Innovation;
(b) the funding amounts and specific criteria as outlined in the relevant schedule of this notice (the "Relevant Schedule"); and
(c) the following general eligibility criteria and assessment criteria set out in clauses 5-7.
5 General eligibility criteria for National Science Challenges funding proposals
5.1 For a proposal to be assessed against the criteria in clause 6, the proposal must:
(a) be to undertake research, science, or technology, or related activities that are in a Challenge specified in the Relevant Schedule;
(b) be made under one Challenge as specified in the Relevant Schedule;
(c) meet any requirements specified in the Relevant Schedule;
(d) be made by a legal entity (based in New Zealand) representing a comprehensive range of organisations and individuals with a track record in the research area of the Challenge;
(e) not be made by or include a department of the public service as listed in Schedule 1 of the State Sector Act 1988;
(f) not be solely for the benefit of the applicant (which includes the organisations and individuals it represents);
(g) not be for capital expenditure;
(h) be for research, science, or technology, or related activities, the majority of which are to be undertaken in New Zealand, unless the Science Board considers that there are compelling reasons to consider the proposal, despite the amount of research, science, or technology, or related activities being proposed to be undertaken overseas;
(i) meet any applicable timing, formatting, system or other similar administrative requirements imposed by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment in supplying administrative services to the Science Board under section 10(7) of the Research, Science, and Technology Act 2010; and
(j) advise that the proposed funding recipient will, and the Science Board is of the view that it can, adhere to the terms and conditions of funding set out in an investment contract determined by the Science Board.
6 Assessment criteria for National Science Challenges funding proposals
6.1 A proposal that has been assessed as eligible for National Science Challenges funding under clause 5 must also be assessed having regard to the four criteria below:
(a) The proposal is collaborative and will respond to the most important, national-scale issues for New Zealand
Key questions: To what extent does the proposal:
(i) provide an integrated, up to 10-year plan of research, science and technology and related activities to deliver the Challenge objective and outcomes (under the themes)?
(ii) outline the proposed research, science and technology and related activities and how these will meet the Challenge objective, and outcomes (under the themes)?
(iii) include a broad portfolio of activities including multi-disciplinary approaches?
(iv) build on the existing research and research strategies being undertaken in New Zealand, and internationally?
(v) outline how it will contribute to and interact with related research in the Challenge, including embedding relevant Crown research institute core funding as additional funding of the proposed research?
(vi) include private co-funding and other funding and support for the proposed research from other sources?
(vii) outline how it will work with other Challenges where relevant?
(viii) make best use of existing capabilities and competencies of key
New Zealand research organisations?
(ix) reflect the needs of end-users?
(x) give effect to the Vision M?tauranga policy in clause 3?
(b) The research, science and technology will be excellent quality
Key questions: To what extent does the proposal:
(i) make best use of the skills and expertise of key New Zealand researchers to deliver the Challenge objective and outcomes (under the themes)?
(ii) leverage the skills and experience of international researchers and the capacities of international research organisations?
(iii) build the current and future skills and expertise of the New Zealand researchers to deliver the Challenge objective and outcomes (under the themes)?
(iv) allow for the dynamic introduction of new capability, research and researchers into the Challenge?
(v) outline activities that will contribute to outstanding science quality?
(vi) include a portfolio of research with an appropriate balance of incremental and high-risk, high-return research?
(vii) outline transparent and robust processes used to identify, assess, prioritise and select the proposed research to meet the Challenge objective and outcomes (under the themes)?
(viii) outline methods for ensuring on-going quality assurance in delivering the research?
(ix) give effect to the Vision M?tauranga policy in clause 3?
(c) The governance, management, and financial arrangements are sound and enduring
Key questions: To what extent do the proposed governance, management, and financial structures (as outlined in the business plan):
(i) provide a governance structure for the Challenge that has access to the necessary experience, track record, capability and resources to assume responsibility for co-ordinating, monitoring, and managing the proposed collaboration?
(ii) outline how multiple researchers, organisations and end-users will work together in a way that achieves the Challenge objective, and outcomes (under the themes) over the period of the Challenge?
(iii) outline the mechanisms to bring in new ideas, knowledge, researchers and research organisations to ensure both stability and the flexibility to respond to future priorities?
(iv) outline arrangements that will continue to build the capability of the researchers, organisations, and end-users involved in the Challenge?
(v) outline arrangements that will leverage and build on existing governance structures to reduce transaction costs?
(vi) outline arrangements that will leverage existing and future funding in the Challenge research area, including ensuring alignment with related Crown research institute core funding?
(vii) outline a contestable process to allocate a proportion of the Challenge funding (involving assessment by an independent panel) that is designed to facilitate the introduction of new ideas and researchers into the Challenge?
(viii) outline the arrangements for the ownership and management of intellectual property arising from research in the Challenge?
(ix) outline accountability arrangements that enable performance to be monitored across the Challenge to ensure research quality, value for money, measurable outputs, and ultimately research outcomes?
(x) provide evidence that the most cost effective option for achieving the expected outcome(s) was selected?
(xi) outline appropriate financial management procedures?
(xii) give effect to the Vision M?tauranga policy in clause 3?
(d) The proposal is focused on delivering impact
Key questions: To what extent does the proposal:
(i) define the relationship between the proposed research, science and technology and the impacts necessary to achieve the Challenge objective, and outcomes (under the themes)?
(ii) outline the nature and size of the benefits the proposed plan is expected to have for New Zealand, including benefits to New Zealand science, in relation to their costs?
(iii) outline the additional value the Challenge will deliver, including by addressing gaps and opportunities?
(iv) demonstrate that the research organisations and researchers have the necessary experience, track record, capability and resources to deliver the research to address the Challenge objective, and outcomes (under the themes)?
(v) outline a credible pathway to implementation of the Challenge objective, and outcomes (under the themes)?
(vi) outline arrangements for managing risks and liabilities?
(vii) outline key performance indicators related to the expected outcomes of the research over the period of the Challenge including lines of accountability from Challenge members to each KPI?
(viii) give effect to the Vision M?tauranga policy in clause 3?
7 Additional criteria for National Science Challenges funding proposals
7.1 A proposal that has been assessed as eligible for National Science Challenges funding under clause 5 must also be assessed having regard to the following criteria:
(a) The extent to which the proposal is likely to achieve the general policy objective of National Science Challenges funding outlined in clause 2;
(b) how the proposal contributes to the overall mix of investments in respect to the National Science Challenges, including the extent to which the overall mix of investments:
(i) is likely to best achieve the objectives referred to in clause 7.1(a)-(b);
(ii) will ensure that funding is not concurrently provided in respect of any two or more programmes of research, science, or technology, or related activities that are the same or substantially similar (whether those programmes are part of a new proposal or are already being funded); and
(iii) will minimise the risk that an applicant will not be able to undertake the relevant programme of research, science, or technology, or related activities because the applicant, or any person involved in delivering the programme, would concurrently be committed to one or more other programmes (whether those programmes are part of a new proposal or are already being funded).
Dated this 24th day of September 2013.
HON STEVEN JOYCE, Minister of Science and Innovation.
Schedule 1: Resilience to Nature's Challenges: Kia Manawaroa - Ng? ?kina o Te Ao T?roa
1 Objective
1.1 This Challenge will enhance New Zealand's resilience to natural disasters.
2 Funding
2.1 The Science Board may allocate no more than $59.4 million (excl GST) for up to
10 years for the Resilience to Nature's Challenges: Kia Manawaroa - Ng? ?kina o Te Ao T?roa and no more than $19.6 million (excl GST) for the first five years.
3 Specific eligibility criteria
3.1 To be eligible for funding under this Challenge the applicant must provide a proposal for research, science, and technology, or related activities that:
(a) addresses all or most of the "themes" in the table below; and
(b) is directed towards meeting the "outcome statements" in the table below:
Themes Outcome statements
Resilient society Natural hazards risks are better understood and managed, reducing vulnerability and improving response and recovery
Resilient buildings and infrastructure Losses due to building and infrastructure damage or failure are avoided and minimised
Risk assessment Cost effective mitigation measures are in place across all natural hazards, and residual risk is managed effectively
Geological hazards The ability to avoid and minimise losses due to geological hazards is improved
Weather hazards The ability to avoid and minimise losses due to weather hazards is improved
Fire hazards The ability to avoid and minimise losses due to fire hazards is improved
3.2 If the applicant can better meet the Challenge objective with different theme(s) and/or outcome(s) it may in its proposal vary a theme or outcome providing it gives reasons for such change. The Science Board will decide whether such change better enables the Challenge objective to be met.
Schedule 2: High-Value Nutrition: Ko Ng? Kai Whai Painga
1 Objective
1.1 This Challenge will develop high-value foods with validated health benefits to drive economic growth.
2 Funding
2.1 The Science Board may allocate no more than $83.8 million (excl GST) for up to
10 years for the High-Value Nutrition Challenge: Ko Ng? Kai Whai Painga and no more than $30.6 million (excl GST) for the first five years.
3 Specific assessment criteria
3.1 To be eligible for funding under this Challenge the applicant must provide a proposal for research, science, and technology, or related activities that:
(a) addresses all or most of the "themes" in the table below; and
(b) is directed towards meeting the "outcome statements" in the table below:
Themes Outcome statements
Clinical application (what food to do what) Health targets are identified that are amenable to a science evidence-based solution to drive economic growth
Biomarkers (measuring impact, clarifying risk) New Zealand science provides authoritative leadership and capability on validated biomarkers for human health
Meeting consumer preferences and health values Profitable high-value food products are produced and marketed backed by scientifically validated health claims
Science of food The biological delivery of safe, efficacious and acceptable food products to consumers is enabled, regardless of target export market
Note: Food is defined as food and beverage for human consumption
3.2 If the applicant can better meet the Challenge objective with different theme(s) and/or outcome(s) it may in its proposal vary a theme or outcome providing it gives reasons for such change. The Science Board will decide whether such change better enables the Challenge objective to be met.
Schedule 3: The Deep South: Te K?mata o Te Tonga
1. Objective
1.1 This Challenge will understand the role of the Antarctic and southern ocean in determining our climate and our future environment.
2. Funding
2.1 The Science Board may allocate no more than $51.1 million (excl GST) for up to
10 years for The Deep South Challenge: Te K?mata o Te Tonga and no more than $24.0 million (excl GST) for the first five years.
3. Specific assessment criteria
3.1 To be eligible for funding under this Challenge the applicant must provide a proposal for research, science, and technology, or related activities that:
(a) addresses all or most of the "themes" in the table below; and
(b) is directed towards meeting the "outcome statements" in the table below:
Themes Outcome statements
Processes, uncertainties and tipping points, including detection and attribution The fundamental science, essential for robust "predictions/projections of change", is identified and prioritised to fill current knowledge gaps
Predictions/projections of change Predictions/projections for the "consequences of change" are improved
Consequences of change: adaptable, responsive and resilient New Zealand The critical role that the Antarctic and southern ocean have in our social, cultural and economic wellbeing and implications for active kaitiakitanga are well understood by New Zealanders
Knowledge of how our environment will change (incorporating risk and uncertainty) contributes to the development of appropriate policy and adaptation plans and is implemented through our decisions as New Zealanders
3.2 If the applicant can better meet the Challenge objective with different theme(s) and/or outcome(s) it may in its proposal vary a theme or outcome providing it gives reasons for such change. The Science Board will decide whether such change better enables the Challenge objective to be met.