Notice Title

Notice of Exemption Applied to Part of the Closed Burial Ground at St Paul's Church, 100A Victoria Road, Devonport

Publication Date
20 Jun 2013


Burial and Cremation Act Exemptions

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Principal Edition, 20 June 2013.
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Pursuant to section 44(4) of the Burial and Cremation Act 1964 and section 15 of the Interpretation Act 1999, I, Mark Jacobs, Director of Public Health, Ministry of Health, acting under the delegated authority of the Minister of Health, hereby amend the conditions to the closing of the denominational burial ground known as the St Paul's Burial Ground, Devonport ("ground"), set out in the Order in Council in the New Zealand Gazette, 5 February 1891, No. 12, page 195 ("closure notice"), as follows.
The closure notice is subject to the following amended condition:
The land described as Lot 1 Proposed Subdivision at St Pauls Church, 100A Victoria Road, Devonport (1697m2) of Lot 26A Section 2 Parish of Takapuna (NA62/48), North Auckland Land Registration District, is excluded from section 42 and section 44(4) of the Burial and Cremation Act 1964, and accordingly, that portion may be subdivided and sold.
The remainder of the closed burial ground land, described as Lot 2 Proposed Subdivision at St Pauls Church, 100A Victoria Road, Devonport (2092m2) of Lot 26A, Section 2, Parish of Takapuna (NA62/48), North Auckland Land Registration District, remains a closed burial ground pursuant to the Burial and Cremation Act 1964.
Dated at Wellington this 17th day of June 2013.
DR MARK JACOBS, Director of Public Health, Ministry of Health.