Notice Title

Notice of Recognition of Methanex Documents

Pursuant to Regulation 22 of the Health and Safety in Employment (Pressure Equipment, Cranes, and Passenger Ropeways) Regulations 1999, I, Richard Steel, Manager Technical Support Services, Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE), in exercise of
those powers granted to me by the Chief Executive
of MBIE, hereby give notice that recognition is granted to the following Methanex New Zealand Limited (Methanex) documents:
Methanex Pressure Equipment Management System (Code: MC2I0008, issued 12 November 2012)
RBI Process (Code: MC3I0002, issued 18 September 2012)
This recognition is subject to the following conditions:
1. The recognition applies only to pressure equipment scheduled in the document "Pressure Equipment List for Inspec Certificate of Inspection Management", provided as an enclosure to Methanex letter of 23 September 2012 to MBIE.
2. The recognition is not approval of inspection intervals. Inspec Limited shall determine the actual inspection intervals for equipment.
3. Inspec Limited shall determine the frequency and timing of attendance of its equipment inspectors at the Meth01 plant for the purpose of reviewing, approving, and auditing the implementation of ITPs and the inspection and certification of equipment.
4. Methanex shall advise Inspec Limited of any changes to its equipment or process that may affect equipment life or the frequency or type of inspection applied.
5. Methanex shall, in conjunction with Inspec Limited, review actual and proposed changes to its equipment or process in order to establish any potential impact on safety and equipment inspection.
6. Methanex shall advise Inspec Limited of any changes to, or affecting, Methanex asset integrity personnel.
7. Methanex shall maintain AS/NZS ISO 9001 certification of appropriate scope.
8. Management of in-service inspection of pressure equipment shall be carried out in accordance with AS/NZS 3788 Pressure equipment - In service inspection and the relevant current approved code(s) of practice.
Condition 8 Notes:
(a) At the time of granting this recognition the relevant approved codes of practice were the Approved
Code of Practice for the Design, Safe Operation, Maintenance and Servicing of Boilers, and the Approved Code of Practice for Pressure Equipment (Excluding Boilers).
(b) At the time of granting this recognition the approved codes of practice did not reflect the content of AS/NZS 3788:2006 on inspection intervals derived from risk based inspection and consequently the standard should be followed in this regard, except where the current relevant code of practice was issued after 2012.
Dated at Wellington this 15th day of April 2013.
RICHARD STEEL, Manager Technical Support Services, Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.