Pursuant to Section 156 of the Property Law Act 2007
CB Property Investments Limited, of Christchurch
("the mortgagee"), pursuant to mortgage 7624388.3, hereby gives notice that on or about 18 March 2013, it took possession of the properties owned by New Millennium Design Limited (in liquidation) at Units 126, 127, 129,
139, 6A-59, 6A-107, 6A-109, 6A-111, 6A-113, 6A-115, 6A-60, 6A-108, 6A-110, 6A-112, 6A-114 and 6A-116,
72 Tory Street, Wellington, being the properties comprised in certificates of title 360199, 360200, 360202, 360212, 381372, 381404, 381406, 381408, 381410, 381412, 381373, 381405, 381407, 381409, 381411 and 381413 (Wellington Land Registry).
Communications relating to the mortgaged properties may be forwarded to Harmans, Lawyers, PO Box 5496, Papanui, Christchurch 8542 (Attention: K. M. Standage).
Dated this 18th day of March 2013.
Signed by CB Property Investments Limited by its solicitors and duly authorised agent, Harmans, per: