Notice of Application for Approval of a Scheme
Under Part 3 of the Charitable Trusts Act 1957
Notice is hereby given that Ronald David Williams, solicitor of Rangiora, and Jennifer Ormsby, chartered accountant of Rangiora, as trustees of the will of the late Jack Oxley, have filed an application for approval of a scheme varying the terms of the will under which the residue in the estate is to be held for "Meals on Wheels" at Rangiora.
Under this scheme, one-half of the fund presently held by the trustees shall be applied absolutely to Presbyterian Support Upper South Island and one-half shall be applied absolutely to Red Cross for meal services in the Rangiora and North Canterbury areas.
In the event that either organisation ceases to provide meal services, the funds are to be applied to other organisations who do provide meal services (where practical), or used by the organisation for the support of the elderly and needy in Rangiora and North Canterbury more broadly.
Copies of the scheme and the report of the Attorney-General thereon may be inspected, free of charge, at the office of the Registrar of the High Court at Christchurch, or at the office of Williams McKenzie, Solicitors, 4 Durham Street, Rangiora.
The application has been set down for hearing in the High Court at Christchurch at 9.30am on 18 December 2013.
Any person desiring to oppose the scheme is required to give notice of his or her intention to do so to:
(a) the Registrar of the High Court at Christchurch; and
(b) to Ronald David Williams, solicitor, of Rangiora, and Jennifer Ormsby, chartered accountant, of Rangiora; and
(c) the Attorney-General, Crown Law Office, PO Box 2858, Wellington 6140
not less than seven clear days before the above-mentioned date.
G. M. BRODIE, Counsel for the Applicants.