Notice Title


Notice of Application for Approval of a Scheme
In the High Court of New Zealand, Blenheim Registry:
In the matter of a scheme under Part III of the Charitable Trusts Act 1957, by Peter Joseph Radich, solicitor of Blenheim, and Perpetual Trust Limited, at Christchurch, as the trustees of the DAVID CUMMINGS MEDICAL TRUST ("the Trust")-Plaintiffs:
Take notice that the above-named trustees of the
DAVID CUMMINGS MEDICAL TRUST ("the Trust") have applied to the High Court at Blenheim, under
CIV-2013-406-149, for an order approving a scheme extending or varying the powers of the trustees, and for varying the mode of administering the trust.
The scheme proposes to enable the trustees to provide
for scholarships to be awarded to medical graduates who
are ordinarily resident in or domiciled in New Zealand to enable them to carry out post-graduate medical studies at Edinburgh University or at any overseas university, whereas the present terms of the trust limit the location of such post-graduate studies to Edinburgh University in Scotland.
The scheme also proposes that the mode of
administering the trust be varied to enable the trust
to support computer-based programmes and resources
for the holder of a scholarship as well as more traditional texts or books and, in addition, to enable such assistance
as appropriate for the purposes of distance learning from Edinburgh University or such other overseas university as the trustees consider appropriate.
In the exercise of the various discretions of the trustees, the scheme proposes that weight be given, or regard be had, to the original settlor's association with Scotland.
The date of hearing in the Blenheim High Court is Thursday, 7 November 2013.
Any person desiring to oppose the scheme must give written notice of his or her intention to do so to:
(a) The Registrar of the High Court at Blenheim; and
(b) The trustees at Radich Law, Solicitors, 21 Bells Road, Blenheim; and
(c) The Attorney-General at Parliament Buldings, Wellington, or at Crown Law Office, Level 10, Unisys House, 56 The Terrace, Wellington (PO Box 2858, Wellington 6140)
not less than seven clear days before that date.
Dated this 20th day of August 2013.
P. J. RADICH, as one of the Trustees, and K. J. PALMER, for Perpetual Trust Limited, by its Authorised Signatory as One of the Trustees.
This notice is filed by Miriam Joan Radich, of Radich Law, Solicitors, 21 Bells Road, Blenheim. Postal Address: PO Box 842, Blenheim. Telephone: (03) 577 8450. Facsimile: (03) 577 8451. Email: