Notice Title


Notice of Application for Variation of Trust Deed
Pursuant to Section 33 of the Charitable Trusts Act 1957
("the Act")
THE RAGLAN HOSPITAL CHARITABLE TRUST BOARD ("the board") hereby gives notice of application to the High Court in Hamilton for an order varying the mode of administration of the trust.
The board has applied to amend the trust deed (dated the 14th day of June 1989) by inclusion of the following clauses:
1. This trust deed may be varied at any general meeting of the eligible voters of THE RAGLAN HOSPITAL CHARITABLE TRUST BOARD on the giving of
28 days' notice and provided that such variation shall:
(a) be approved by a two-third majority of eligible voters attending such meeting;
(b) not detract from nor endanger the approved charitable status of the trust; and
(c) not seek to change the purpose or objective of the trust to provide care for those of all ages who require such care.
2. "eligible voters" means those persons over the age of eighteen (18) years and of good character, or corporate entities entitled to become members of the trust and having the right to vote and attend meetings of the trust, pursuant to this deed.
This requires removal of clause 7.5 of the trust deed headed "Membership of the Trust" and replacement of the term "Members" with the term "eligible voters" where it occurs in clauses 7.1, 7.6, 8.1 and 8.2.
The application is to be heard by the High Court at Hamilton on 24 July 2013 at 9.30am.
The reference number is CIV-2013-419-521.
Any person who wishes to oppose the application is required to give written notice to the Registrar of the High Court at Hamilton, the trustees of THE RAGLAN HOSPITAL CHARITABLE TRUST BOARD and the Attorney-General no less than seven (7) clear days before the hearing of the application.
The address for service of the board is care of Tompkins Wake, Westpac House, 430 Victoria Street, Hamilton 3240. Postal Addresses: PO Box 258, Waikato Mail Centre, Hamilton 3240, or DX GP20031, Hamilton.
The board's solicitor is Mark James Hammond, of Tompkins Wake.
Note: You may obtain further information from the registry of the Court or from the board's solicitor.