Notice Title

Referenda (Closing of Preliminary Referendum Rolls) Notice 2013

Pursuant to section 14(2) of the Referenda (Postal Voting) Act 2000, the Electoral Commission gives the following notice.
1. Title-This notice is the Referenda (Closing of Preliminary Referendum Rolls) Notice 2013.
2. Date for closing of preliminary referendum rolls-The date appointed for the closing of the preliminary referendum rolls is 2 October 2013.
Dated at Wellington this 1st day of October 2013.
ROBERT PEDEN, Electoral Commissioner.
Explanatory Note
This note is not part of the notice, but is intended to indicate its general effect.
The preliminary referendum rolls have to be printed for each electoral district in preparation for the forthcoming referendum on the question: "Do you support the Government selling up to 49% of Meridian Energy, Mighty River Power, Genesis Power, Solid Energy and Air New Zealand?" The referendum will be conducted
by postal voting in the period starting on 22 November 2013 and ending at 7pm on 13 December 2013.
The preliminary referendum rolls list electors who are enrolled on a date appointed for the closing of the rolls. This notice appoints 2 October 2013 as that date. The rolls will be printed as soon as practicable after that date and will then be available for public inspection.