Pursuant to subclause 3.4(1) of Land Transport Rule: Traffic Control Devices 2004 ("the Rule") and a delegation from the
NZ Transport Agency, I, Glenn Bunting, Network Manager, authorise the installation and maintenance of illuminated
ice-warning pavement markers:
(a) for the purpose described in Schedule 1;
(b) in the form and layout, set out in Schedule 2;
(c) at the locations stated in Schedule 3;
(d) for the period specified in Schedule 4; and
(e) subject to the conditions in Schedule 5.
The ice-warning pavement markers may be installed for the purpose of evaluating their use and the trial will be called the "Illuminated ice-warning pavement markers trial".
Schedule 1-Purpose of trial
The purpose of the trial is to:
(a) evaluate the effectiveness and safety of blue, illuminated pavement markers, which are used for an alternative purpose to their use as fire hydrant markers as specified in 5.4(6)(a) of the Rule; and
(b) assess the effect on traffic and on drivers' comprehension and reaction to illuminated ice-warning pavement markers.
Schedule 2-Form and layout of ice-warning markers
The illuminated ice-warning pavement markers:
(a) must be approximately of the same shape and size as standard raised, reflectorised pavement markers;
(b) must illuminate and display a blue light when the road surface temperature reduces to a point that the formation of frost or ice is possible;
(c) may flash on and off at a rate of approximately 2 Hz to indicate the possibility of frost or ice on the road surface;
(d) may be reflectorised white or yellow, as appropriate, for mounting on a centreline or no-passing line;
(e) must be installed on a centreline or no-passing line at intervals no greater than 100 metres at the trial locations;
(f) must be installed so that drivers have a view of at least three illuminated ice-warning pavement markers along the entire length of the trial site, regardless of the horizontal or vertical alignment of the road.
Schedule 3-Locations
The locations approved for this trial are:
Road Controlling Authority Road Locality
Central Otago District Council Ida Valley - Omakau Road Blacks Hill, Ophir
Dunedin City Council Main South Road From Thomson Street to Abbots Creek bridge, Sunnyvale, Dunedin
Dunedin City Council North Road From Montague Street to Birchfield Avenue, North East Valley, Dunedin
Dunedin City Council Three Mile Hill Road From Dunedin to Mosgiel
NZ Transport Agency SH1S Leith Saddle, Northern Motorway, Dunedin
NZ Transport Agency SH1S Taieri River bridge, Henley, Otago
NZ Transport Agency SH1S Waipori River bridge, Henley, Otago
NZ Transport Agency SH1S Limeworks Road, Narrowdale Road intersection, Milburn, Otago
NZ Transport Agency SH8 Manuka Gorge, Manuka Creek, Otago
Queenstown Lakes District Council Peninsula Road Kelvin Heights, Queenstown
Schedule 4-Period of trial
The trial may begin after the publication of this notice and, unless terminated earlier, must end by 31 December 2014.
Schedule 5-Conditions and evaluation
(a) Trial sites should have standard W14-7 (slippery surface) and supplementary W14-7.1 ("WHEN FROSTY") warning signs installed, but signs informing road users of an ice-warning trial must not be installed.
(b) Missing, damaged or malfunctioning illuminated ice-warning pavement markers must be replaced or repaired as soon as possible throughout the duration of the trial.
(c) An evaluation and analysis shall be undertaken as outlined in the trial application document received on 17 May 2013 from Dunedin City Council and the NZ Transport Agency Highways and Network Operations Group. An interim evaluation report must be sent to me by 31 December 2013 and a final report by 31 December 2014.
(d) All road controlling authorities participating in this trial are responsible for collecting data for the roads in their jurisdiction that are included in the trial and for contributing to the evaluation reports as necessary.
Signed at Wellington this 14th day of June 2013.
GLENN BUNTING, Network Manager.