Pursuant to clause 3.4(1) of Land Transport Rule: Traffic Control Devices 2004 and a delegation from the NZ Transport Agency, I, Glenn Bunting, Network Manager, make the following notice.
The "Rural Schools Variable Speed Limit (Turning Vehicle Hazard) Trial" notice published in the New Zealand Gazette,
17 May 2012, No. 55, page 1606 (as amended1), is further amended by:
(a) Deleting the following lines from the table in Schedule 3:
Road Controlling Authority School Road Local Authority
NZ Transport Agency Dairy Flat School State Highway 17 Auckland Council
NZ Transport Agency Te Wharekura
o Te Rau Aroha State Highway 27 Matamata-Piako District
NZ Transport Agency Tirohia School State Highway 26 Hauraki District Council
(b) Adding the following lines to the table in Schedule 3:
Road Controlling Authority School Road Local Authority
NZ Transport Agency Pukehou School State Highway 2 Central Hawke's Bay District Council
Waimakariri District Council Ashley School Boundary Road
Fawcetts Road
High Street
Marshmans Road Waimakariri District Council
(c) Deleting the text under the heading Speed Limit in Schedule 5 - Conditions, and replacing it with:
"The variable speed limit at a location listed in Schedule 3 must be set in accordance with Land Transport Rule: Setting of Speed Limits 2003 and the 'Variable Speed Limit at Rural Schools (Turning Vehicle Hazard) Notice No. 3' published in the New Zealand Gazette, 6 June 2013, No. 72, page 1927."
Signed at Wellington this 4th day of June 2013.
GLENN BUNTING, Network Manager.
1Variable Speed Limit at Rural Schools (Turning Vehicle Hazard) Amendment and Rural Schools Variable Speed Limit (Turning Vehicle Hazard) Trial Amendment, New Zealand Gazette, 23 August 2012, No. 101, page 2825