Notice Type
Land Transfers/Joint Family Homes
Notice Title

Land Transfer Act Notice

The applicants described below have applied, under section 70 of the Land Transfer Act 1952, for the removal of a right to drain sewage easements.
The applicants claim the right to drain sewage easements are redundant by reason of the circumstances set out below.
I intend to remove the right to drain sewage easements on 1 July 2012 if no objections have been received before that date.
Applications: 8976157.2 and 8976157.3.
Applicants: Troy Edward De Baugh and Rosalie Marie De Baugh, c/o Glaister Ennor Lawyers, 18 High Street, Auckland 1140 (Attention: Joel Fotu).
1. Right to drain sewage over part Lot 22 DP 342728; marked "T" on DP 342728, comprised in Computer Freehold Register 175382 created by easement instrument 6343941.8 registered on 11 March 2005.
2. Right to drain sewage over part Lot 22 DP 342728; marked "AJ" on DP 348179, comprised in Computer Freehold Register 175382 created by easement instrument 6752200.12 registered on 13 February 2006.
Circumstances: Determined by specified event: The sewage easements are no longer applicable, as the sewage system has been removed and connection to a public sewer system has been made available to the dominant tenements.
Dated at the Hamilton Office of Land Information New Zealand this 28th day of May 2012.
LYNETTE BARON, for Registrar-General of Land.