Notice Title

Notice of Approval for the Land to be Sold or Otherwise Disposed of or Modified

Pursuant to section 5(1) of the Harbour Boards Dry Land Endowment Revesting Act 1991, I, Kate Wilkinson, Minister of Conservation, hereby approve the grant of two leases by the Western Bay of Plenty District Council to Tracey Lee Lankshear of the following parcels of land currently vested in the Western Bay of Plenty District Council, being part of the land described in Part C of the Schedule to the Harbour Boards Dry Land Endowment Revesting Act 1991, under the description "Tauranga Harbour Lands" and being more particularly described in the Schedule set out below.
This approval is subject to Tracey Lee Lankshear surrendering the existing perpetually renewable leases over the same parcels of land involved in the two new replacement leases.
Land proposed to be leased by Western Bay of Plenty District Council to Tracey Lee Lankshear, subject to the Harbour Boards Dry Land Endowment Revesting Act 1991.
Description of Land to be Leased
Firstly: All that land containing 17 hectares, more or less, being part Section 17S Apata Settlement contained in Certificate of Title SA7A/904 South Auckland Land Registry.
Secondly: All that land containing 2.9308 hectares more or less being part Section 17S Apata Settlement contained in Certificate of Title SA7A/904 South Auckland Land Registry.
Term of Leases
Firstly: 3 years and 4 months with one further right of renewal for 5 years.
Secondly: 3 years and 4 months with one further right of renewal of 5 years.
In terms of section 5(2)(c) of the Harbour Boards Dry Land Endowment Revesting Act 1991, the approval shall take effect on the date of this notice.
Dated at Wellington this 5th day of September 2012.
KATE WILKINSON, Minister of Conservation.
(DOC PAL-16-04-01)