Notice Type
Land Notices
Notice Title

Classification and Change of the Name of a Cemetery Reserve

Under section 16(1) of the Reserves Act 1977, and acting pursuant to a delegation from the Minister of Conservation, the New Plymouth District Council, pursuant to a resolution dated the 12th day of April 2011, hereby classifies the reserve described in the Schedule, held for the purpose of a public cemetery subject to the Burial and Cremation Act 1964, as a local purpose (cemetery) reserve and further, pursuant to section 16(10) of the Reserves Act 1977 and a resolution dated the 14th day of December 2011, changes the gazetted name of the Omata Cemetery Reserve recorded in the Omata Cemetery Order 1957, published in the
New Zealand Gazette, 25 July 1957, No. 54, page 1373, to the Waireka Cemetery Reserve.
Taranaki Land District-New Plymouth District
Waireka Cemetery Reserve
ha Description
1.0117 Part Section 14 Omata District (all Computer Freehold Register TN129/241 - limited as to parcels).
Dated at New Plymouth this 7th day of May 2012.
BARBARA MCKERROW, Principal Administrative Officer, New Plymouth District Council.
(NPDC PP 17-02-02, ID 005978)