Notice Type
Land Notices
Notice Title

Declaring Land to be Held for Conservation Purposes

Under the Conservation Act 1987, the Conservation Support Manager for the East Coast Bay of Plenty Conservancy
of the Department of Conservation declares that the land described in the Schedule is held for conservation purposes.
South Auckland Land District-South Waikato District
ha Description
Part Lot 1 DPS 88214, Part Lot 1 DPS 89479, Part Lot 1 DPS 88217 Section 1 SO 57124, Section 2 SO 58228, Section 1 SO 51568, Section 1 SO 51569; shown as Section 1 on SO 437149 (part Computer Freehold Register SA69D/696).
102.6770 Part Lot 1 DPS 88217 Section 1 SO 60148, Section 2 SO 60148, Section 3 SO 60148, Section 4 SO 60148; shown as Section 2 on SO 437149 (part Computer Freehold Register SA69D/696).
30.2000 Part Lot 1 DPS 88217 Section 1 SO 60147, Section 2 SO 60147; shown as Section 3 on SO 43719 (part Computer Freehold Register SA69D/696).
0.4026 Part Lot 1 DPS 89479 (part Computer Freehold Register SA69D/696).
1.1407 Part Lot 1 DPS 89479 (part Computer Freehold Register SA69D/696).
Dated at Rotorua this 28th day of March 2012.
HELEN NEALE, Conservation Support Manager.