Notice Title

Permission Under Sections 52 and 53 of the Biosecurity Act 1993 (Notice No. MPI 111)

Publication Date
13 Dec 2012


Biosecurity Act Permission

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Pursuant to sections 52(d) and 53(2) of the Biosecurity Act 1993, and subject to the conditions set out below, I permit bona fide researchers and central and local government
staff in the course of their employment to communicate, or breed/multiply/propagate, and/or exhibit the three unwanted organisms; Sabella spallanzanii (Sabella), Styela clava (Styela) and/or Undaria pinnatifida (Undaria) for bona fide research and/or educational purposes.
This permission does not apply to the commercial use of Undaria.
The permission given by this notice is given for the purposes of section 52 and 53 of the Biosecurity Act only, and does not constitute an exemption from the requirements of any other relevant legislation (including Regulations).
It is the individual’s responsibility to be familiar with and comply with any other applicable legislation.
Specifically, there may also be regional requirements such as Regional Pest Management Strategies/plans or Regional Coastal Plans that regulate these unwanted organisms.
1. Sabella, Styela and/or Undaria shall be:
(a) communicated;
(b) bred/multiplied/propagated;
(c) exhibited; and
(d) held
in a manner appropriate to the organism’s reproductive abilities, which prevents any part of the organisms
from being lost, mislaid or released back into the marine environment.
2. Transportation of Sabella, Styela and/or Undaria is permitted from and between the area(s) of collection
to the research and/or exhibition site(s). A route that is
as direct as reasonably possible between these sites is to be taken.
3. During transportation, Sabella, Styela and/or Undaria specimens and the water in which they are transported in must be held within secure containers to prevent escape of the organisms or water leakage and supervised at all times. Transporting containers must be clearly labelled with:
(a) details of the contents;
(b) details of the unwanted organism(s) status;
(c) instructions that the unwanted organism(s) are not to be released under any circumstances; and
(d) details of who the person responsible is, and how they can be contacted.
4. During exhibition, Sabella, Styela and/or Undaria specimens must be held within secure containers and
be clearly labelled with:
(a) details of the unwanted organism(s) status; and
(b) details on the risks posed by the unwanted organism(s).
5. Research of Sabella, Styela and/or Undaria must be undertaken in a contained land-based facility.
6. Any equipment used in the activity that has come into contact with the unwanted organisms shall be treated after their use. Also, any water used in the activity must not be discharged directly back into the marine environment.
7. At the end of the activity, all Sabella, Styela and/or Undaria specimens used shall be rendered non-viable or destroyed by heat, desiccation or other effective means.
8. Prior to using this permission, notification in writing must be made to the Chief Technical Officer - Ministry for Primary Industries with details relevant to the
activity including the purpose, location, duration, and confirmation that all conditions in this permission can
be met.
9. Any person in charge of an activity in accordance with this permission must provide a copy of this permission
to any persons also involved in the activity, and
ensure they understand the requirements. Compliance with the permission conditions is the responsibility of each person undertaking the activity of the unwanted organism(s).
10. Should accidental release of Sabella, Styela and/or Undaria occur the person in charge of the activity
must notify the Chief Technical Officer - Ministry for Primary Industries as soon as practicable and appropriate action taken immediately to retrieve, contain or control the unwanted organism.
11. The Chief Technical Officer - Ministry for Primary Industries may revoke this permission by notice in writing at his/her sole discretion at any time.
Signed at Wellington this 7th day of December 2012.
VERONICA HERRERA, Chief Technical Officer - Ministry for Primary Industries.