Notice Title

Notice of Amendment to the Rules for Cadastral Survey 2010*

Publication Date
1 Nov 2012


Cadastral Survey Act Cadastral survey rules

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Pursuant to section 49(1) of the Cadastral Survey Act
2002, public notice is given that the amended Rules for Cadastral Survey 2010 - LINZS65003 have been made and will come into force on 1 January 2013.
A brief description of the nature of the amendments follows:
Amending the definition of "accept", "boundary reinstatement survey", "disturbed", "extinguished", "irregular boundary", "non-primary parcel", "primary parcel", "residue parcel" and "water boundary" in rule 2.
Inserting new terms and definitions "block shift", "common marine and coastal area", "company lease", "cross lease", "deep-seated movement" and "ground movement" in rule 2.
Amending rule 3.1(b)
Amending rule 3.2.3(b)
Amending rule 3.2.4(a)
Amending rule 3.2.4(b)
Amending rule 3.3.1(a)
Inserting new rule 3.3.1(c)
Inserting new rule 3.4(b)
Amending rule 3.6
Amending rule 4.1(b)
Amending rule 4.1(d)
Amending rule 5.5.1(c)
Amending rule 5.5.4
Amending rule 6.2(a)(iv)
Inserting new rule 6.2(a)(xii)
Inserting new rule 6.2(c)
Amending rule 6.3(a)
Amending rule 6.3(a)(i)
Deleting rule 6.3(a)(ii)
Inserting rule 6.3(c)
Amending rule 6.6(b)(i)
Amending rule 6.6(c)
Amending rule 6.7(c)
Amending rule 6.9(a)
Amending rule 6.9(b)(iii)
Amending rule 7.1(a)
Amending rule 7.1(b)
Amending rule 7.1(c)
Amending rule 7.3.2(c)
Amending rule 7.3.3(b)
Amending rule 7.4.2(a)
Amending rule 7.4.3(b)
Amending rule 8.1(d)
Inserting rule 8.1(d)(iv)
Amending rule 8.1(e)
Amending rule 8.2(a)(xii)
Amending rule 9.3(a)
Amending rule 9.3(b)
Amending rule 9.6.2
Amending rule 9.6.3(g)(ii)
Amending rule 9.6.11
Amending rule 9.6.12
Amending rule 9.6.13(c)
Inserting rule 9.6.14(b)(iv)
Amending rule 10.4.2(a)
Amending rule 10.4.2(e)
Inserting rule 10.4.2(f)(vii)
Amending rule 10.4.8
Amending rule 10.4.9(a)(iii)
Amending rule 11.1(a)
Amending rule 11.2
Amending rule 12.2
Amending rule 12.3
Inserting rule 16
Inserting rule 17
Inserting rule 18
Inserting rule 19
Updating all relevant cross references appropriately and adding new cross references
The Rules may be viewed and downloaded from the website
Copies may also be obtained from:
The Office of the Surveyor-General
Land Information New Zealand
PO Box 5501
Wellington 6145
Dated this 1st day of November 2012.
DONALD BRUCE GRANT, Surveyor-General.
*New Zealand Gazette, 15 April 2010, No. 44, page 1236