Pursuant to section 167 of the Resource Management Act 1991, the Minister for the Environment gives the following notice.
N o t i c e
1. Title and commencement-(1) This notice is the Resource Management (Approval of Kapiti Coast Airport Holdings Limited as a Requiring Authority) Notice 2012.
(2) This notice shall come into force on 19 October 2012.
2. Interpretation-In this notice, unless the context otherwise requires, "airport" has the same meaning given to that term by section 2 of the Airport Authorities Act 1966.
3. Approval as a requiring authority-Kapiti Coast Airport Holdings Limited is hereby approved as a requiring authority, under section 167 of the Resource Management Act 1991, for its operation and protection of the approach, take-off and other protection surfaces of the airport known as Kapiti Coast Airport.
4. Revocation-This notice revokes the Resource Management (Approval of Paraparaumu Airport Limited
as Requiring Authority) Notice 1998 (New Zealand Gazette, 4 June 1998, No. 76, page 1696).
5. Transfer-Pursuant to section 180 of the Resource Management Act 1991, all functions, powers and duties
of Kapiti Coast Airport Limited (formerly Paraparaumu Airport Limited) in relation to the designation in the Kapiti Coast District Plan entitled "Paraparaumu Aerodrome" are hereby transferred to Kapiti Coast Airport Holdings Limited.
Dated at Wellington this 15th day of October 2012.
HON AMY ADAMS, Minister for the Environment.