Notice Title

Notice of Authorisation of Issuing Officers

Pursuant to section 108(1) of the Search and Surveillance Act 2012, I, Christopher Francis Finlayson, Attorney-General, hereby authorise the following persons to act as issuing officers for a period of three years from 1 October 2012:
Kenneth William Adam, Justice of the Peace, of
Te Anau.
Ian Stanley Adlam, Justice of the Peace, of Kaitaia.
Laeeq Ahmad, Justice of the Peace, of Tauranga.
Manogifa Aholima, Justice of the Peace, of Auckland.
Laurel Maris Amon, Justice of the Peace, of Te Aroha.
Ross Byers Anderson, Justice of the Peace, of Helensville.
Lynne Susan Anderson, Justice of the Peace, of Whangarei.
Laurie Andrew, Justice of the Peace, of Awanui.
Barry Charles Atkinson, Justice of the Peace, of Gisborne.
Russell Geoffrey Atkinson, Justice of the Peace, of Dunedin.
Geoffrey Francis Austin, Justice of the Peace, of Auckland.
Kenneth Paul Austin, Justice of the Peace, of Rangiora.
Catherine Heather Ayrton, Justice of the Peace, of Kaikohe.
Somnath Sarkar Bagchi, Justice of the Peace, of Christchurch.
Henry David Baigent, Justice of the Peace, of Nelson.
David O’Brien Baker, Justice of the Peace, of Masterton.
Graeme David Barber, Justice of the Peace, of Christchurch.
Gordon David Barnaby, Justice of the Peace, of Whitianga.
Roger Thomas Barnard, Justice of the Peace, of Kerikeri.
Jane Lyon Bartrom, Justice of the Peace, of Coromandel.
Michael Phillip Batchelor, Justice of the Peace, of Timaru.
Patrick John Beban, Justice of the Peace, of Christchurch.
William Thomas Begg, Justice of the Peace, of Balclutha.
John Whitaker Bell, Justice of the Peace, of Papakura.
Kelvin McClaren George Bennett, Justice of the Peace, of Tauranga.
William Ray Bensemann, Justice of the Peace, of Palmerston North.
Raewyn Ruth Black, Justice of the Peace, of Riverton.
Robin John Blackett, Justice of the Peace, of Te Puke.
James Webb Blackman, Justice of the Peace, of Auckland.
Muhammud Zayd Ian Blissett, Justice of the Peace, of Blenheim.
Doreen Margaret Blyth, Justice of the Peace, of Taupo.
Clive Henry Boock, Justice of the Peace, of Auckland.
Brian Sydney Bracey, Justice of the Peace, of Kumeu.
Neil Gordon Bramley, Justice of the Peace, of Invercargill.
Allan John Bridson, Justice of the Peace, of Whangamata.
Catherine Gertrude Bristed, Justice of the Peace, of Seddon.
Ashley David Broad, Justice of the Peace, of Mosgiel.
Roger James Brookes, Justice of the Peace, of Auckland.
Russell Douglas Brown, Justice of the Peace, of North Shore.
Patricia Susan Brown-Birt, Justice of the Peace, of Kohukohu.
Charles Richard Bruning, Justice of the Peace, of Westport.
Nigel Edmund Buck, Justice of the Peace, of Ohakune.
John Rigby Bunny, Justice of the Peace, of Masterton.
Brian Harold Burns, Justice of the Peace, of Palmerston North.
Penelope Keay Burridge, Justice of the Peace, of Waitakere.
Janet Barbara Butterick, Justice of the Peace, of Ashburton.
Ian Charles Cameron, Justice of the Peace, of Marlborough.
Lesley Ailsa Campbell, Justice of the Peace, of Palmerston.
Clinton John Campbell, Justice of the Peace, of
New Plymouth.
David John Campbell, Justice of the Peace, of Hamilton.
John Reuben Capener, Justice of the Peace, of Kawerau.
Leasa Clare Carlyon, Justice of the Peace, of Wellington.
Drewe McLauchlan Carran, Justice of the Peace, of Gore.
Adrian Bentley Catran, Justice of the Peace, of Thames.
Ronald Jack Cave, Justice of the Peace, of Kerikeri.
Mary Apuwai Chaffey, Justice of the Peace, of Tokomaru Bay.
Mark Russell Chapman, Justice of the Peace, of Lawrence.
Barry John Clark, Justice of the Peace, of Christchurch.
John Alexander Cleland, Justice of the Peace, of Waipukurau.
Fay Patricia Colthurst, Justice of the Peace, of Whangarei.
Norman George Cook, Justice of the Peace, of Paraparaumu.
David Ian Cooke, Justice of the Peace, of Hamilton.
Stephen Thomas Corkill, Justice of the Peace, of Opunake.
Murray Morton Corps, Justice of the Peace, of Wanganui.
Margaret Nora Cosgrove, Justice of the Peace, of Timaru.
James Stanley Coward, Justice of the Peace, of Kumeu.
Patricia Mary Cox, Justice of the Peace, of Wellsford.
Peter Robert Cox, Justice of the Peace, of Wellsford.
William Cranson, Justice of the Peace, of Waikanae.
Juliet Laures Crawford, Justice of the Peace, of Timaru.
Bruce Hugh Crompton, Justice of the Peace, of Ruawai.
Brian Anthony Cullen, Justice of the Peace, of Auckland.
John Bryce Currie, Justice of the Peace, of Kurow.
Adrienne Kathryn Dalton, Justice of the Peace, of Pokeno.
Ghazi Shedhadeh Dassouki, Justice of the Peace, of Auckland.
Colin Kirby Davidson, Justice of the Peace, of Winton.
Panapa Stewart Davis, Justice of the Peace, of Kawakawa.
Peter Arthur Debney, Justice of the Peace, of Masterton.
Kevin John Dey, Justice of the Peace, of Timaru.
Paul Taylor Dixon, Justice of the Peace, of Methven.
John Malcolm Donaldson, Justice of the Peace, of
Te Anau.
Adrian John Douglas, Justice of the Peace, of Wellington.
Lindsay Allan Dow, Justice of the Peace, of Invercargill.
William David James Down, Justice of the Peace, of Katikati.
Gaynor Alice Edwards, Justice of the Peace, of Balclutha.
Ronald Egan, Justice of the Peace, of Te Anau.
David John Espie, Justice of the Peace, of Auckland.
Keith Barrie Evans, Justice of the Peace, of Auckland.
Gavin David Evans, Justice of the Peace, of Invercargill.
John Barnett Falconer, Justice of the Peace, of Gore.
Eva Emily Fenwick, Justice of the Peace, of Martinborough.
Victoria Joan Ferguson, Justice of the Peace, of
Lower Hutt.
Catherine Ferguson, Justice of the Peace, of Blenheim.
Alan Evelyn Ferriss, Justice of the Peace, of Timaru.
Anthony William Finnigan, Justice of the Peace, of Nelson.
Douglas Hamilton Fisher, Justice of the Peace, of Tauranga.
Brian Oakley Fisher, Justice of the Peace, of Tokoroa.
Andrea Helena Forrest, Justice of the Peace, of Greymouth.
Anthony Louis Fortune, Justice of the Peace, of Reefton.
Trish Anne Fowke, Justice of the Peace, of Whangarei.
Geoffrey Ray Fox, Justice of the Peace, of Upper Hutt.
Leslie Austin Franks, Justice of the Peace, of Kerikeri.
Elaine Margaret Fraser, Justice of the Peace, of Matamata.
James Darcy Fry, Justice of the Peace, of Nelson.
Alan James Furness, Justice of the Peace, of Blenheim.
Kerry June Gaston, Justice of the Peace, of
Doubtless Bay.
Barry Vincent Gaylard, Justice of the Peace, of Rotorua.
Kevin James Damer Geddes, Justice of the Peace, of Ashburton.
Peter Albert William Giddens, Justice of the Peace, of Carterton.
Lewis John William Gillies, Justice of the Peace, of Oamaru.
John Albert Goodman, Justice of the Peace, of Katikati.
Robert William Gordon, Justice of the Peace, of Omarama.
Raymond Harold Grace, Justice of the Peace, of Cambridge.
Philip James Greenbank, Justice of the Peace, of Auckland.
Robin David Gwynn, Justice of the Peace, of Napier.
Brian John Hamilton, Justice of the Peace, of Papamoa.
Donald James Hamilton, Justice of the Peace, of Rotorua.
Graeme Mark Hansen, Justice of the Peace, of Wellington.
Donald Ian Harrow, Justice of the Peace, of Auckland.
Alan Langley Hart, Justice of the Peace, of Wellington.
Ann Michele Hayes, Justice of the Peace, of Waipukurau.
Nigel Mclean Hayton, Justice of the Peace, of
New Plymouth.
Desmond James Heath, Justice of the Peace, of Akaroa.
Allan John Hedley, Justice of the Peace, of Mahia Beach.
Michele Helean, Justice of the Peace, of Fairlie.
Peter James Hensley, Justice of the Peace, of
New Plymouth.
Richard William Heslop, Justice of the Peace, of Putaruru.
Maria Hibbert, Justice of the Peace, of Ashburton.
Timothy John Hillerby, Justice of the Peace, of Dunedin.
Keith Wyvern Hingston, Justice of the Peace, of Kaikohe.
Patricia Anne Hird, Justice of the Peace, of Greymouth.
Joseph Simon Hollander, Justice of the Peace, of Palmerston North.
Charles William Homan, Justice of the Peace, of Nelson.
Anne Hore, Justice of the Peace, of Oamaru.
Christine Anne Horner, Justice of the Peace, of Murchison.
Richard Charles Horrell, Justice of the Peace, of Motueka.
Kent Arthur Horsfield, Justice of the Peace, of Feilding.
Shirley Ann Hull, Justice of the Peace, of Pahiatua.
Hewitt Royden Humphrey, Justice of the Peace, of Wellington.
Roy Laurence Humphris, Justice of the Peace, of Helensville.
Charles Ernest Hunt, Justice of the Peace, of
Palmerston North.
Terence John Hynes, Justice of the Peace, of Dannevirke.
Richard John Illingworth, Justice of the Peace, of Wellington.
Joyce Inglis, Justice of the Peace, of Motueka.
Tina Lynn Jakes, Justice of the Peace, of Mangakino.
Shirley Rae Jarden, Justice of the Peace, of Raumati Beach.
Murray Dale Jenkin, Justice of the Peace, of Paihia.
Geoffrey Niels Jensen, Justice of the Peace, of Blenheim.
Lois Elsie Johns, Justice of the Peace, of Te Kauwhata.
Richard Willaim Lewknor Johnson, Justice of the Peace, of Ashburton.
Judith Ann Johnson, Justice of the Peace, of Timaru.
Malcolm Charles Johnson, Justice of the Peace, of Invercargill.
Timothy James Meredith Johnston, Justice of the Peace, of Morrinsville.
Heleen Johnston, Justice of the Peace, of Haast.
Kerry Vance Jones, Justice of the Peace, of Gisborne.
Cushla Midred Rose Jones, Justice of the Peace, of Franz Josef.
Wayne Barrie Jowett, Justice of the Peace, of Tokoroa.
Karen Dawn Joyce-Paki, Justice of the Peace, of Dargaville.
Mervyn Paul Kelly, Justice of the Peace, of Whitianga.
David Russell Kerse, Justice of the Peace, of Porirua.
Ayaaz Mohammed Khan, Justice of the Peace, of Manukau.
Blair Philip King, Justice of the Peace, of Dannevirke.
Pieter Knaapen, Justice of the Peace, of Christchurch.
Dawn Ruth Lamb, Justice of the Peace, of Paraparaumu.
John Peter Larcomb, Justice of the Peace, of Lower Hutt.
Ian Christopher Leigh-Mackenzie, Justice of the Peace, of Northland.
Gillian Ruth Leonard, Justice of the Peace, of Ngatea.
Pauline Frances Leverton, Justice of the Peace, of Wellington.
Colin Arthur Scott Lind, Justice of the Peace, of Dunedin.
Heather Elizabeth Lindauer, Justice of the Peace, of Russell.
Carolyn Joyce Livingstone, Justice of the Peace, of Christchurch.
Peter Kenneth Lockery, Justice of the Peace, of Wellington.
Shane Ralph Lodge, Justice of the Peace, of Timaru.
Charles Murray Loewenthal, Justice of the Peace, of Otorohanga.
Jacqueline Low, Justice of the Peace, of South Westland.
Julia Rosemary Lowe, Justice of the Peace, of Paeroa.
Sally Jane MacDonald, Justice of the Peace, of Amberley.
Barbara Frances Macken, Justice of the Peace, of Katikati.
Vivienne Evelyn Maclaren, Justice of the Peace, of Mount Maunganui.
Ross Romuald Macleod, Justice of the Peace, of Christchurch.
Murray Lawrence Mansfield, Justice of the Peace, of
Te Awamutu.
Leslie John Marinkovich, Justice of the Peace, of
South Auckland.
Timothy Roland Marshall, Justice of the Peace, of Havelock.
Reo Brian Mathewson, Justice of the Peace, of Levin.
Graeme Hugh McAuley, Justice of the Peace, of Tapanui.
Brian Daniel McConnochie, Justice of the Peace, of
Te Aroha.
Shirley-Ann McCrystal, Justice of the Peace, of Auckland.
Robert Bruce McCully, Justice of the Peace, of Temuka.
Donald Gordon McCully, Justice of the Peace, of Timaru.
Ngaire Joy McDonald, Justice of the Peace, of Queenstown.
Russell George McGrouther, Justice of the Peace, of Queenstown.
Kenneth George McKay, Justice of the Peace, of
North Shore City.
John William McKenzie, Justice of the Peace, of Auckland.
Bryan Francis McKenzie, Justice of the Peace, of Whitianga.
Heather Anne McKimmie, Justice of the Peace, of Rakaia.
Thomas Ross McLean, Justice of the Peace, of Otaki.
Malcolm Marco McLean, Justice of the Peace, of Invercargill.
Brian Robert McMillan, Justice of the Peace, of Queenstown.
Sandra Jean McNeil, Justice of the Peace, of Napier.
Earle Cameron Mead, Justice of the Peace, of Auckland.
Philip Godfrey Middlemiss, Justice of the Peace, of Christchurch.
Nicole Middleton, Justice of the Peace, of Taumarunui.
Susan Margaret Monds, Justice of the Peace, of
Te Aroha.
Nigel John Moore, Justice of the Peace, of Gore.
Frank Gavin James Muirhead, Justice of the Peace, of Wellington.
Gavin John Murphy, Justice of the Peace, of Lower Hutt.
Paranthaman Muttiah, Justice of the Peace, of Hamilton.
Saji Nair, Justice of the Peace, of Auckland.
Bruce Alexander Nairn, Justice of the Peace, of Tokoroa.
Paul Joseph Nicholas, Justice of the Peace, of
Lower Hutt.
Charles David Nicholls, Justice of the Peace, of Auckland.
Graham Stanley Nicholson, Justice of the Peace, of Lower Hutt.
Rachael Jane O’Grady, Justice of the Peace, of Kotemaori.
Constance Edith Olsen, Justice of the Peace, of
Lower Hutt.
Barry John O’Neill, Justice of the Peace, of Waimate.
Bruce William Pagan, Justice of the Peace, of Kaikoura.
Sheryl Joan Page, Justice of the Peace, of Waitara.
Yvonne Shirley Ann Palmer, Justice of the Peace, of Christchurch.
Brian Henry Palmer, Justice of the Peace, of Christchurch.
Necia Olive Parker, Justice of the Peace, of
Palmerston North.
Ian James Parker, Justice of the Peace, of Gisborne.
Evan George Paterson, Justice of the Peace, of Queenstown.
Ursula Paul, Justice of the Peace, of Blenheim.
Raymond Arthur Pearson, Justice of the Peace, of Kerikeri.
Lionel Murray Petersen, Justice of the Peace, of Tuakau.
Diana Mary Petersen, Justice of the Peace, of Waipukurau.
Malcolm Bruce Philcox, Justice of the Peace, of Waiheke Island.
Owen Leslie Pickles, Justice of the Peace, of Chatham Islands.
Doreen Ila Pitcher, Justice of the Peace, of Whangamata.
Graeme Stanley Platt, Justice of the Peace, of Bulls.
Alistair Ian Roden Plimmer, Justice of the Peace, of Featherston.
Michael Joseph Pooley, Justice of the Peace, of Mangonui.
Margaret Rachel Powell, Justice of the Peace, of Maungaturoto.
Peter Lawrence Pritchard, Justice of the Peace, of Coromandel.
Jennifer Jane Pullen, Justice of the Peace, of Twizel.
Bronwen Lynda Quigley, Justice of the Peace, of Leeston.
Kamlesh Rana, Justice of the Peace, of Auckland.
Martin James Redwood, Justice of the Peace, of Hastings.
Neil Riddle, Justice of the Peace, of Taihape.
Antoinette Diane Ridley, Justice of the Peace, of
Te Anau.
Carl Joseph Rist, Justice of the Peace, of Te Awamutu.
Larry Robbins, Justice of the Peace, of Auckland.
Stephen John Roberts, Justice of the Peace, of Hamilton.
Kenneth John Robinson, Justice of the Peace, of Manukau.
Alison Maree Robinson, Justice of the Peace, of Northland.
John Henry Rogers, Justice of the Peace, of Wanaka.
Barry McMillan Rollo, Justice of the Peace, of
New Plymouth.
Robert James Ross, Justice of the Peace, of Opononi.
Wayman Patrick Roughan, Justice of the Peace, of Cromwell.
Simon Joseph Roughton, Justice of the Peace, of Wellington.
Colin McGregor Russell, Justice of the Peace, of Takaka.
Pamela Jane Ryan, Justice of the Peace, of Upper Hutt.
Allan James Sainsbury, Justice of the Peace, of
Lower Hutt.
Patrick Allan Samson, Justice of the Peace, of
North Shore City.
Garry Robert Saunders, Justice of the Peace, of
New Plymouth.
Charles William Kesteven Saxton, Justice of the Peace, of Oamaru.
Kaye Marlene Schumacher, Justice of the Peace, of Christchurch.
Ronald John Charles Scott, Justice of the Peace, of Tauranga.
Susan Maree Scutter, Justice of the Peace, of Paraparaumu.
Airud Datt Sharma, Justice of the Peace, of
Palmerston North.
Kenneth George Shields, Justice of the Peace, of Christchurch.
Pamela Joy Sigglekow, Justice of the Peace, of Kaikoura.
Anthony Paul Simpson, Justice of the Peace, of Christchurch.
Richard Colin Simpson, Justice of the Peace, of Hokitika.
Mark Sinclair, Justice of the Peace, of Manukau.
Karen Lynette Smart, Justice of the Peace, of Waitara.
Leslie Raymond Smith, Justice of the Peace, of
North Shore City.
Daniel Laxton Smith, Justice of the Peace, of Kaikoura.
Ross Arthur Smith, Justice of the Peace, of
New Plymouth.
Danielle Florence Smith, Justice of the Peace, of Hokitika.
Eric Gordon Smitton, Justice of the Peace, of Dargaville.
Paul Lewis Sollitt, Justice of the Peace, of Ruatoria.
David John Stephen, Justice of the Peace, of Wanganui East.
Robyn Lois Stephenson, Justice of the Peace, of Motueka.
Gordon Douglas Stevenson, Justice of the Peace, of Taupo.
Helen Margaret Stewart, Justice of the Peace, of Kawerau.
Ian Sidney Stewart, Justice of the Peace, of Tolaga Bay.
Rachel Ellen Stokes, Justice of the Peace, of Nelson.
Peter Francis Sugden, Justice of the Peace, of Napier.
Larry Gordon Sullivan, Justice of the Peace, of Tokoroa.
Ian Hardy Symonds, Justice of the Peace, of
Waikanae Beach.
Annika Ellen Taylor, Justice of the Peace, of Whangarei.
William Francis Te Karu, Justice of the Peace, of Ohakune.
Erica Judith Tenquist, Justice of the Peace, of Featherston.
Sandra Christie Terewi, Justice of the Peace, of Turakina.
Janet Christine Thompson, Justice of the Peace, of Palmerston North.
Alison Muriel Thomson, Justice of the Peace, of Havelock North.
Jillian Margaret Toplis, Justice of the Peace, of Paihia.
David James Towers, Justice of the Peace, of Patea.
Pamela Suzanne Trafford, Justice of the Peace, of Wairoa.
Darrell James Trigg, Justice of the Peace, of Northland.
Ronald James Turner, Justice of the Peace, of Wellington.
Martyn Gregory Turner, Justice of the Peace, of Wellington.
Tangi William Edward Utikere, Justice of the Peace, of Palmerston North.
Sabapathipillai Vallipuram, Justice of the Peace, of Wellington.
Ivan Peter van de Water, Justice of the Peace, of Gore.
Joseph Leopold Van Rooyen, Justice of the Peace, of Kaikoura.
David Howard Vereker-Bindon, Justice of the Peace, of Auckland.
Patrick David Waite, Justice of the Peace, of Porirua.
Neil William Walker, Justice of the Peace, of Hawera.
Margaret Anne Waters, Justice of the Peace, of Waihi.
Gregory John Weake, Justice of the Peace, of Picton.
David Gordon Webster, Justice of the Peace, of Tauranga.
Eric James Werder, Justice of the Peace, of Hawera.
Cheryl Rayme West, Justice of the Peace, of Blenheim.
Heather Jean White, Justice of the Peace, of Te Puke.
David Allan Whyte, Justice of the Peace, of Blenheim.
Peter Henry Williams, Justice of the Peace, of Tauranga.
Keith Alan Williams, Justice of the Peace, of Thames.
Peter John Williamson, Justice of the Peace, of Gisborne.
Mervyn Laurence Withy, Justice of the Peace, of Eastbourne.
Toh Sing Wong, Justice of the Peace, of Auckland.
Jade Hassan Wood, Justice of the Peace, of Auckland.
Raymond Robert Wright, Justice of the Peace, of Wellington.
Dated at Wellington this 22nd day of September 2012.