Notice Title

Fisheries (Declaration of Horomamae Mataitai Reserve Bylaw) Notice 2012 (Notice No. MPI 35)

Pursuant to Regulations 25 and 26 of the Fisheries (South Island Customary Fishing) Regulations 1999, the Minister for Primary Industries hereby gives the following notice.
N o t i c e
1. Title and commencement-(1) This notice may be cited as the Fisheries (Declaration of Horomamae Mataitai Reserve Bylaw) Notice 2012.
(2) This notice shall come into effect 28 days after the date of its notification in the New Zealand Gazette.
2. Interpretation-In this notice:
(a) The term "Horomamae Mataitai Reserve" means
the mataitai reserve at Horomamae Island (Owen Island) notified in the Fisheries (Declaration of Horomamae Mataitai Reserve and Appointment
of Tangata Tiaki/Kaitiaki) Notice 2010 (No. F526)
(New Zealand Gazette, 10 June 2010, No. 64, page 1850).
(b) Any reference to "Tangata Tiaki/Kaitiaki" means any person or persons appointed as Tangata Tiaki/Kaitiaki for the Horomamae Mataitai Reserve under Regulation 21 of the Fisheries (South Island Customary Fishing) Regulations 1999.
(c) Unless the context requires otherwise, terms have the same meaning as in the interpretation sections
of the Fisheries (Southland and Sub-Antarctic
Areas Amateur Fishing) Regulations 1991, the Fisheries (Amateur Fishing) Regulations 1986,
the Fisheries (South Island Customary Fishing) Regulations 1999 and the Fisheries Act 1996.
3. Approval of bylaw for the Horomamae Mataitai Reserve-The Minister for Primary Industries hereby approves the following bylaw for the Horomamae Mätaitai Reserve:
Bylaw 1-Fishing prohibited in the Horomamae Mataitai Reserve
No person may:
(a) between the 1st day of June in any year and the 31st day of March in the following year (both days inclusive) take any fish, aquatic life or seaweed from within the Horomamae Mataitai Reserve; or
(b) possess any fish, aquatic life or seaweed taken in contravention of subclause (a) of this bylaw.
4. Fishing subject to this bylaw-Under Regulation
25(3) of the Fisheries (South Island Customary Fishing) Regulations 1999, all fishing within the Horomamae Mataitai Reserve is subject to this bylaw.
5. Breach of bylaw is an offence-Under Regulation
43 of the Fisheries (South Island Customary Fishing) Regulations 1999, a person commits an offence against those Regulations if the person breaches this bylaw.
Dated at Wellington this 30th day of July 2012.
HON DAVID CARTER, Minister for Primary Industries.