Notice Title

Reappointments/appointments to the Mental Health Review Tribunal

Pursuant to sections 101 and 105 of the Mental Health (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act 1992,
I reappoint to the Mental Health Review Tribunal
Nigel Dunlop
as a lawyer member;
Philip Comber
Michelle Duggan
Thomas Gilbert
Robyn von Keisenberg
Robb Newberry
as deputy lawyer members;
Phyllis Tangitu
as a community member;
Kathleen Rose
Anthony Spelman
as deputy community members; and
Prof Graham Mellsop
Dr Sue Nightingale
Dr Krishna Pillai
as deputy psychiatrist members; and appoint to the Mental Health Review Tribunal
Dr James Cavney
Dr Hinemoa Elder
as deputy psychiatrist members.
These appointments are for three-year terms of office and shall take effect on 15 September 2012.
Dated at Wellington this 1st day of August 2012.
HON TONY RYALL, Minister of Health.