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Notice of Disclaimer Under Section 338(1) of the Companies Act 1955

Take notice that I, Jeremy Salmond, Treasury Solicitor, pursuant to section 338(1) of the Companies Act 1955, hereby disclaim on behalf of Her Majesty The Queen, the reversionary interest of Her Majesty The Queen in the parcel of land being contained in Computer Freehold Register NL529/287 (limited as to parcels) with a total shared area of 223 square metres and with a legal description of Part of Lot 8 of a subdivision of Allotments 7-9 of Section 54 of the City of Auckland and also part of Lot 31 of the said Section 54 with the registered proprietor of that interest being Adam Moore Limited, a company removed from the Companies Register in 1922.
Dated at Wellington this 7th day of March 2012.
Signed by:
JEREMY SALMOND, Treasury Solicitor, for and on behalf of Her Majesty The Queen under delegations from the Minister of Finance and the Secretary to the Treasury under sections 28 and 41 of the State Sector Act 1988.