Notice Type
General Notices
Notice Title

Notice of Entry into Possession of Mortgaged Land

In the matter of section 156 of the Property Law
Act 2007, and in the matter of mortgage 7443634.2
("the mortgage") and variation of mortgage
8213563.1 ("the variation of mortgage"):
Southern Cross Finance Limited, NZ Mortgage
& Security Exchange Limited and Axel Birkedahl Henriksen ("the mortgagees under the mortgage")
hereby give notice that they have entered into possession
of the mortgaged land described below with effect
from 16 May 2012.
The description of the mortgaged land is the property contained and described in certificate of title NA11D/723 (North Auckland Land Registry), being the property at
8 Cloghan Close, Massey, Auckland.
The address to which communications relating to the mortgaged land may be addressed is Southern Cross Finance Limited, c/o Duncan Cotterill Lawyers, PO Box 5326, Auckland 1141.
Dated this 21st day of May 2012.
S. G. MCOMISH, Solicitor for Southern Cross Finance Limited.