Notice Title


Notice of Application to Amend a Trust Deed
The PELORUS TRUST ("the Trust") has, on 14 February 2012, applied to the High Court at Wellington, pursuant to Part 3 of the Charitable Trusts Act 1957, for approval of a scheme.
The scheme proposes to amend the charitable purpose of the Trust in its trust deed to confirm that the primary object
of the Trust is to provide educational benefits to and/or improve the health of people in the community via the promotion of amateur games or sport.
The application will be heard by the High Court at Wellington on 19 March 2012 at 10.00am.
Any person wishing to oppose the scheme must, by seven clear days before 19 March 2012, give written notice of his/her intention to do so to:
(a) The Registrar of the High Court at Wellington;
(b) The trustees of the Trust, care of their solicitors Chapman Tripp (details below); and
(c) The Attorney-General at Crown Law Office, PO Box 2858, Wellington 6140 (Attention: Peter Gunn).
The applicant is the PELORUS TRUST, whose address for service is at the offices of Chapman Tripp, 10 Customhouse Quay, Wellington. Postal Address: PO Box 993, Wellington 6140.
Further particulars, including the application, the scheme and the Attorney-General’s report may be obtained from the office of the Court or from Tim Smith or Maddy Conway, of Chapman Tripp, by telephone on (04) 498 6348.