Notice Title


Application for Approval of a Scheme of Variation
Take notice that Stephanie McMillan, Keith Clarke, David Reyburn and Robert Adams ("the Trustees"), on behalf of the TIKIPUNGA PROTESTANT CHILDREN'S HOME CHARITABLE TRUST, have applied to the High Court
at Whangarei for a variation of the trust under sections
32, 33 and 53(c) of the Charitable Trusts Act 1957.
The scheme proposes variations of:
(a) The charitable purpose of the trust varied to:
"For the benefit of children in need of care and assistance, providing short-term and long-term care as needed".
(b) The powers of the Trustees shall include:
"Those general powers and indemnities of Trustees as set out in Part 3 of the Trustee Act 1956 in addition to those set out in section 21 of the Charitable Trusts Act 1957".
(c) The description of the Trustees shall be:
"The Trustees shall at all times consist of at least five competent persons who shall as far as practicable be comprised of religious persons affiliated with main faith Christian churches".
The matter has been set down for a hearing at 2.15pm on
19 November 2012 at the Whangarei High Court before Justice Heath.
Any person who wishes to oppose the scheme is to give written notice of their intention to do so to:
(a) the Registrar of the High Court at Whangarei; or
(b) the Trustees, care of Webb Ross McNab Kilpatrick Limited, 9 Hunt Street, Whangarei. Postal Address: Private Bag 9012, Whangarei 0140. Telephone: (09) 470 2400. Facsimile: (09) 470 2469; or
(c) the Attorney-General, Crown Law Office, PO Box 2858, Wellington 6140
no less than seven days before the hearing date.