Notice Title


Notice of Application for Approval of Scheme
of Variation
Notice is hereby given that the trustees of THE FRANK SYDENHAM SCHOLARSHIP TRUST (established by the Will of Frank Sydenham) filed an application in
the Tauranga High Court on 20 December 2011, pursuant
to Part 3 of the Charitable Trusts Act 1957, to vary the modes of administration of the trust and eligibility criteria for scholarship recipients, in accordance with the following scheme:
(a) The geographic catchment area for applicants be extended to include the wider Bay of Plenty contained within the statutory boundary of the
Bay of Plenty Regional Council, Environment Bay of Plenty;
(b) The Tauranga Board of Governors be replaced by the selection committee;
(c) The bonding and surety requirements be removed and replaced with an undertaking in good faith
from scholarship recipients to remain or return to New Zealand on completion of study for the specified period;
(d) The selection committee be reduced to three members comprised of the trustee, the estate's solicitor and the Dean, or his representative, of the Faculty of Science and Engineering at the University of Waikato, or such other member at the trustee's discretion; and
(e) The selection committee be compensated for time spent carrying out duties required by the role.
The date of the hearing is 19 March 2012 at 10.00am at the Tauranga High Court, McLean House, Tauranga.
Any person wishing to oppose the application is required to give written notice of his/her intention to do so to:
(a) the Registrar of the High Court;
(b) the Attorney General; and
(c) the applicant
not less than seven clear days before 19 March 2012.
M. DORSET, Solicitor for the Applicant.