Notice Title

Veterinary Medicines (Non-dispersive Closed System Application) Group Standard 2012

Publication Date
1 Nov 2012


Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act Notices

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Principal Edition, 1 November 2012.
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Pursuant to section 96B(1) of the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996 ("the Act"), the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) gives notice that a Group Standard is issued.
N o t i c e
1. Title-(1) This notice is the Veterinary Medicines
(Non-dispersive Closed System Application) Group Standard 2012 Notice.
(2) The HSNO Approval Number for the Group Standard is HSR100758.
2. Purpose-The purpose of the Veterinary Medicines (Non-dispersive Closed System Application) Group Standard 2012 is to allow importation, or manufacture for release,
of a veterinary medicine that is administered using a
non-dispersive, closed system application method, subject to the requirements and exclusions specified in clause 4 of the Group Standard.
3. Commencement-The Veterinary Medicines
(Non-dispersive Closed System Application) Group Standard 2012 comes into force 28 days after the date
of its notification in the New Zealand Gazette.
4. Conditions of Group Standard-The obligations and restrictions set out in Schedule 1 to the Group Standard apply to the substances by way of conditions.
5. Availability-The full Group Standard, Schedules and any information incorporated by reference may be inspected free of charge during normal business hours at the EPA office; or purchased from EPA; or viewed at
EPA contact details:
BP House
20 Customhouse Quay
(PO Box 131)
Telephone: (04) 916 2426
Facsimile: (04) 914 0433
Dated at Wellington this 1st day of November 2012.
SHAUN OGILVIE, for and on behalf of the Environmental Protection Authority.