Notice Type
Vice Regal
Notice Title

Revocation of the Commission Appointing The Right Honourable Sir Anand Satyanand, GNZM, QSO, to be Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief in and over the Realm of New Zealand

ELIZABETH THE SECOND, by the Grace of God Queen of New Zealand and Her Other Realms and Territories, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith:
To Our Trusty and Well-beloved THE RIGHT HONOURABLE SIR ANAND SATYANAND, Chancellor and Principal Knight Grand Companion of Our New Zealand Order of Merit, Principal Companion of Our Service Order:
WHEREAS by Our Commission under Our Seal of New Zealand bearing date at Saint James’s the 14th day of August 2006, We did appoint you, the said The Right Honourable Sir Anand Satyanand, to be, during Our Pleasure, Our Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief in and over Our Realm of New Zealand:
AND WHEREAS you, the said The Right Honourable Sir Anand Satyanand, did on the 23rd day of August 2006, assume
the said office of Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief by taking the prescribed Oaths before Our Right Trusty and Well-beloved Counsellor Dame Sian Elias, Chief Justice of New Zealand:
AND WHEREAS you, the said The Right Honourable Sir Anand Satyanand, have given faithful and loyal service in
pursuance of Our said Commission appointing you to be Our Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief in and over Our Realm of New Zealand:
NOW, THEREFORE, as it is Our Will and Pleasure to appoint Lieutenant General Sir Jeremiah Mateparae, Knight Grand Companion of Our New Zealand Order of Merit, Companion of Our Service Order, to be Our Governor-General
and Commander-in-Chief in and over Our Realm of New Zealand, We do by these presents revoke Our Commission under Our Seal of New Zealand, bearing date the 14th day of August 2006, appointing you, the said The Right Honourable Sir Anand Satyanand, to be Our Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief in and over Our Realm of New Zealand:
And We direct that this Our command and the revocation effected by it shall take effect from the close of the 23rd day
of August 2011.
Given at Our Court at Saint James’s and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this 17th day of August 2011, in the sixtieth year of Our Reign.
By Her Majesty’s Command.
JOHN KEY, Prime Minister of New Zealand.