Pursuant to the Acts and Regulations Publication Act 1989, notice is hereby given of the making of Regulations as under:
Authority for Enactment Title or Subject-matter Serial Number Date of Enactment Retail
Electoral Act 1993 Electoral (Expenditure Limit) Order 2011 2011/142 23/5/11 $2.47
Legal Services Act 2011 Legal Services Act 2011 Commencement Order 2011 2011/143 23/5/11 $1.88
Legal Services Act 2011 Legal Services Regulations 2011 2011/144 23/5/11 $3.98
Legal Services Act 2011 Legal Services (Quality Assurance) Regulations 2011 2011/145 23/5/11 $4.64
Alcohol Advisory Council
Act 1976 Alcohol Advisory Council Levy Order 2011 2011/146 23/5/11 $2.47
New Zealand Public Health and Disability Act 2000 New Zealand Public Health and Disability (Planning) Regulations 2011 2011/147 23/5/11 $2.71
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011 Canterbury Earthquake (Resource Management Act Port of Lyttelton Recovery) Order 2011 2011/148 23/5/11 $3.98
Resource Management
Act 1991 Resource Management (Marine Pollution) Amendment Regulations 2011 2011/149 23/5/11 $2.71
Biosecurity Act 1993 Biosecurity (National Bovine Tuberculosis Pest Management Strategy) Amendment Order 2011 2011/150 23/5/11 $2.71
Biosecurity Act 1993 Biosecurity (National Bovine Tuberculosis Pest Management Strategy) Amendment Order
(No 2) 2011 2011/151 23/5/11 $2.47
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011 Canterbury Earthquake (Transport Legislation) Amendment Order 2011 2011/152 23/5/11 $2.71
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011 Canterbury Earthquake (Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing) Order 2011 2011/153 23/5/11 $2.47
Contraception, Sterilisation, and Abortion Act 1977 Abortion (Licence Fees) Amendment Regulations 2011 2011/154 23/5/11 $2.47
Administration Act 1969 Administration (Fee) Amendment Regulations 2011 2011/155 23/5/11 $2.47
Admiralty Act 1973 Admiralty (Fees) Amendment Order 2011 2011/156 23/5/11 $2.47
Citizens Initiated Referenda Act 1993 Citizens Initiated Referenda (Fees) Amendment Regulations 2011 2011/157 23/5/11 $2.47
Judicature Act 1908 Court of Appeal Fees Amendment Regulations 2011 2011/158 23/5/11 $2.47
Disputes Tribunals Act 1988 Disputes Tribunals Amendment Rules (No 2) 2011 2011/159 23/5/11 $2.47
District Courts Act 1947 District Courts Fees Amendment Regulations 2011 2011/160 23/5/11 $2.71
Electoral Act 1993 Electoral (Fees) Amendment Regulations 2011 2011/161 23/5/11 $2.47
Family Courts Act 1980 Family Courts Fees Amendment Regulations 2011 2011/162 23/5/11 $2.47
Judicature Act 1908 High Court Fees Amendment Regulations 2011 2011/163 23/5/11 $2.71
Land Valuation Proceedings Act 1948 Land Valuation Proceedings Fees Amendment Regulations 2011 2011/164 23/5/11 $2.47
Lawyers and Conveyancers Act 2006 Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Disciplinary Tribunal) (Fees) Amendment Regulations 2011 2011/165 23/5/11 $2.47
Property Law Act 2007 Property Law (Mortgagees’ Sales Forms and Fees) Amendment Regulations 2011 2011/166 23/5/11 $2.47
Prostitution Reform Act 2003 Prostitution (Operator Certificate) (Fees) Amendment Regulations 2011 2011/167 23/5/11 $2.47
Judicature Act 1908 Rating (Fees) Amendment Regulations 2011 2011/168 23/5/11 $2.47
Secondhand Dealers and Pawnbrokers Act 2004 Secondhand Dealers and Pawnbrokers (Fees) Amendment Regulations 2011 2011/169 23/5/11 $2.47
Supreme Court Act 2003 Supreme Court Fees Amendment Regulations 2011 2011/170 23/5/11 $2.47
Judicature Act 1908 Sheriffs’ Fees Amendment Regulations 2011 2011/171 23/5/11 $2.47
Trustee Companies Act 1967 Trustee Companies (Fees) Amendment
Regulations 2011 2011/172 23/5/11 $2.47
Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Act 1997 Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition (Occupations Tribunal) (Fee) Amendment Regulations 2011 2011/173 23/5/11 $2.47
Administration Act 1969 Administration (Prescribed Rate of Interest) Order 2011 2011/174 23/5/11 $1.88
Disputes Tribunals Act 1988 Disputes Tribunals (Prescribed Rate of Interest)
Order 2011 2011/175 23/5/11 $2.47
District Courts Act 1947 District Courts (Prescribed Rate of Interest) Order 2011 2011/176 23/5/11 $2.47
Judicature Act 1908 Judicature (Prescribed Rate of Interest) Order 2011 2011/177 23/5/11 $2.47
Trustee Act 1956 Trustee (Prescribed Rate of Interest) Order 2011 2011/178 23/5/11 $1.88
Social Security Act 1964 Social Security (Long-term Residential Care) Amendment Regulations (No 2) 2011 2011/179 23/5/11 $2.47
Social Security Act 1964 Social Security (Long-term Residential Care) Amendment Regulations (No 3) 2011 2011/180 23/5/11 $2.47
Parental Leave and Employment Protection Act 1987 Parental Leave and Employment Protection (Rate of Parental Leave Payment) Regulations 2011 2011/181 23/5/11 $2.47
Gas Act 1992 Gas (Levy of Industry Participants) Regulations 2011 2011/182 23/5/11 $2.71
Customs and Excise Act 1996 Customs and Excise Amendment Regulations 2011 2011/183 23/5/11 $3.98
Cadastral Survey Act 2002 Cadastral Survey (Fees) Amendment Regulations 2011 2011/184 23/5/11 $2.47
Cadastral Survey Act 2002, Land Act 1948, and Land Transfer Act 1952 Land Information New Zealand (Fees and Charges) Amendment Regulations 2011 2011/185 23/5/11 $2.47
Land Transfer Act 1952 Land Transfer Amendment Regulations 2011 2011/186 23/5/11 $2.71
Corrections Act 2004 Corrections (Mount Eden Prison) Notice 2011 2011/187 23/5/11 $2.47
Corrections Act 2004 Corrections (Mount Eden Corrections Facility)
Notice 2011 2011/188 20/5/11 $2.47
Health Practitioners Competence Assurance
Act 2003 Health Practitioners (Quality Assurance Activity-Counties Manukau DHB) Notice 2011 2011/189 19/5/11 $2.47
Reserve Bank of New Zealand Act 1989 Deposit Takers (Avanti Finance Limited) Exemption Notice 2011 2011/190 17/5/11 $2.47
Takeovers Act 1993 Takeovers Code (Revocation of Exemptions)
Notice 2011 2011/191 24/5/11 $2.47
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$12.00 and less $1.79 p&p
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Copies can be bought or ordered by mail from Legislation Direct, PO Box 12418, Thorndon, Wellington 6144. Please quote title and serial numbers. Prices for quantities supplied on application. Copies are also available over the counter at the following locations:
Bennetts Bookshops: Bowen House, corner of Lambton Quay and Bowen Street (PO Box 5334), Wellington; University of Waikato, Gate 5 Hillcrest Road (PO Box 13066), Hamilton; Bennetts University Bookshop, Massey University, Palmerston North; Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology, Madras Street, Christchurch. Whitcoulls: 38-42 Broadway Avenue (PO Box 1820), Palmerston North; 143 George Street, Dunedin. Borders: 291-297 Queen Street, Auckland.