Notice Title

Advertisement of Application for Order Under Section 174 of Companies Act 1993

1. Members of the public are notified that on 17 November 2010, an application for an order under section 174 of the Companies Act 1993 in respect of LIFESTYLE AVIATION LIMITED was filed in the High Court at Auckland.
2. The order sought is an order that LIFESTYLE AVIATION LIMITED be placed into liquidation, that $64,707.00 be paid to Cary William Jarvie, any such further order as to the Court considers to be just and equitable and costs.
3. The application is to be heard by the High Court at Auckland on Wednesday 9 February 2011 at 10.00am.
4. A person, other than the defendant company, who wants to appear at the hearing of the application must file an appearance not later than the second working day before that day.
5. The plaintiff is Cary William Jarvie, whose address
for service is care of McVeagh Fleming Lawyers,
5-7 Corinthian Drive, Albany, Auckland 0632. Postal Address: PO Box 300844, Auckland 0752 (Attention: James Skinner).
Note: You may obtain further information from the Registry of the Court or from the plaintiff or the plaintiff’s solicitor.
Dated this 27th day of January 2011.
JAMES MICHAEL SKINNER, Counsel for Plaintiff.