Notice Type
Land Transfers/Joint Family Homes
Notice Title

Land Transfer Act Notice

I hereby give notice of an application lodged with me for the issue of a Computer Freehold Register to the below-named applicants, pursuant to Part 4A of the Land Transfer Act 1952, for the land described below.
Such Computer Freehold Registers may be issued and existing estates and interests determined unless caveat forbidding that
is lodged with me on or before 29 November 2011.
Application: 8841220.1.
Applicants: Catherine Mary Fowler and by Jack Austin and by Richard William Rutherford and by Richard William Rutherford and by Brendan Patrick O’Neill, Clarke Craw & Company Nominees Limited and by Murray Robert Sligo, William John Wright and by Gourley Investments Limited and by Kim Jean Newton, Brigette Chinelle Taylor, c/o O’Neill Devereux, Solicitors, 248 High Street, Dunedin. Postal Address: PO Box 909, Dunedin 9054.
Description: Each as to a 1/9th share for an estate in fee simple in 0.0153 hectares, more or less, being Lot 1 DP 444844, being Part Section 31 Block X Town of Dunedin and being the residue of land remaining in Computer Freehold Register OT40/161, Otago Land District.
Circumstances: The registered proprietor of the above land is Alexander Thomson, Part Section 31 Block X Town of Dunedin adjoins Lots 1-3 DP 188, Part Lot 4 DP 188, Part Lot 4 DP 188, Lots 5-8 DP 188 and Lot 10 DP 188 and provides access for the afore-mentioned parcels of land to Russell Street, Dunedin.
Dated at the Hamilton Office of Land Information New Zealand this 29th day of September 2011.
P. WALSH, Registrar-General of Land.