Notice Type
Land Notices
Notice Title

Land Declared Road and Land Set Apart for Use in Connection With a Road (Segregation Strip)-State Highway 3, Devon Road, New Plymouth District

Pursuant to the Public Works Act 1981, and to a delegation from the Minister for Land Information, Ainslie Drysdale, Land Information New Zealand:
(a) Pursuant to section 114, declares the land described in the First Schedule to this notice to be road which, pursuant to section 88(2) of the Government Roading Powers Act 1989, becomes road, limited access road and State highway;
(b) Pursuant to section 52, declares the land described in the Second Schedule to this notice to be set apart for use
in connection with a road (segregation strip)
and both shall remain vested in the Crown on the date of publication hereof in the New Zealand Gazette.
Taranaki Land District-New Plymouth District
First Schedule
Land to be Declared Road
m2 Description
695 Part Lot 3 DP 8043; shown as Section 20 on SO 436795 (part Computer Freehold Register TN241/55).
410 Part Lot 2 DP 7886; shown as Section 23 on SO 436795 (part Computer Freehold Register TN225/1).
428 Part Lot 3 DP 7886; shown as Section 26 on SO 436795 (part Computer Freehold Register TNG4/93).
445 Part Lot 4 DP 7886; shown as Section 29 on SO 436795 (part Computer Freehold Register TN254/94).
461 Part Lot 5 DP 7886; shown as Section 32 on SO 436795 (part Computer Freehold Register TN209/43).
475 Part Lot 6 DP 7886; shown as Section 35 on SO 436795 (part Computer Freehold Register TN209/65).
488 Part Lot 7 DP 7886; shown as Section 38 on SO 436795 (part Computer Freehold Register TN210/15).
501 Part Lot 8 DP 7886; shown as Section 41 on SO 436795 (part Computer Freehold Register TN212/17).
514 Part Lot 9 DP 7886; shown as Section 44 on SO 436795 (part Computer Freehold Register TN213/9).
573 Part Lot 10 DP 7886; shown as Section 47 on SO 436795 (part Computer Freehold Register TN209/44).
588 Part Lot 11 DP 7886; shown as Section 50 on SO 436795 (part Computer Freehold Register TN210/12).
603 Part Lot 12 DP 7886; shown as Section 53 on SO 436795 (part Computer Freehold Register TN213/75).
619 Part Lot 13 DP 7886; shown as Section 56 on SO 436795 (part Computer Freehold Register TN222/75).
584 Part Lot 14 DP 7886; shown as Section 59 on SO 436795 (part Computer Freehold Register TN213/81)
597 Part Lot 15 DP 7886; shown as Section 62 on SO 436795 (part Computer Freehold Register TNB3/328).
623 Part Lot 16 DP 7886; shown as Section 65 on SO 436795 (part Computer Freehold Register TNG2/1343).
Second Schedule
Land Set Apart for Use in Connection With a Road (Segregation Strip)
m2 Description
4 Part Lot 3 DP 8043; shown as Section 21 on SO 436795 (part Computer Freehold Register TN241/55).
3 Part Lot 2 DP 7886; shown as Section 24 on SO 436795 (part Computer Freehold Register TN225/1).
2 Part Lot 3 DP 7886; shown as Section 27 on SO 436795 (part Computer Freehold Register TNG4/93).
2 Part Lot 4 DP 7886; shown as Section 30 on SO 436795 (part Computer Freehold Register TN254/94).
2 Part Lot 5 DP 7886; shown as Section 33 on SO 436795 (part Computer Freehold Register TN209/43).
2 Part Lot 6 DP 7886; shown as Section 36 on SO 436795 (part Computer Freehold Register TN209/65).
2 Part Lot 7 DP 7886; shown as Section 39 on SO 436795 (part Computer Freehold Register TN210/15).
2 Part Lot 8 DP 7886; shown as Section 42 on SO 436795 (part Computer Freehold Register TN212/17).
2 Part Lot 9 DP 7886; shown as Section 45 on SO 436795 (part Computer Freehold Register TN213/9).
2 Part Lot 10 DP 7886; shown as Section 48 on SO 436795 (part Computer Freehold Register TN209/44).
2 Part Lot 11 DP 7886; shown as Section 51 on SO 436795 (part Computer Freehold Register TN210/12).
2 Part Lot 12 DP 7886; shown as Section 54 on SO 436795 (part Computer Freehold Register TN213/75).
2 Part Lot 13 DP 7886; shown as Section 57 on SO 436795 (part Computer Freehold Register TN222/75).
1 Part Lot 14 DP 7886; shown as Section 60 on SO 436795 (part Computer Freehold Register TN213/81).
1 Part Lot 15 DP 7886; shown as Section 63 on SO 436795 (part Computer Freehold Register TNB3/328).
1 Part Lot 16 DP 7886; shown as Section 66 on SO 436795 (part Computer Freehold Register TNG2/1343).
Dated at Wellington this 14th day of October 2011.
A. DRYSDALE, for the Minister for Land Information.
(LINZ CPC/2001/7071, CPC/2009/3701, CPC/2009/3702, CPC/2009/3872, CPC/2009/3873, CPC/2009/3874, CPC/2009/3875, CPC/2009/3876, CPC/2009/3877, CPC/2009/3878, CPC/2009/3879, CPC/2009/3880, CPC/2009/3881, CPC/2009/3882, CPC/2009/3883, CPC/2009/3884)