Notice Type
Land Notices
Notice Title

Redefining the Purposes of a Maori Reservation

Pursuant to sections 338(5)(c) and 338(5)(d) of Te Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993, on the recommendation of the Maori Land Court, both the purposes and the persons or class of persons for whose use or benefit the reservation is made, of the Maori reservation on the land described in the Schedule hereto, and set apart by notice in the New Zealand Gazette, 24 September 1992, No. 154, page 3209, and redefined in the New Zealand Gazette, 3 April 2003, No. 34, page 912, and further amended in the New Zealand Gazette, 28 March 2007, No. 35, page 917, is redefined for the purposes of a marae to be called Ngati Tai Manawaiti Marae for the common use and benefit of the Ngati Tai Iwi and their descendants.
North Auckland Land District
Part of the piece of land situated in North Auckland Land District and described as follows:
m2 Description
Part Mataitai B2 Block contained in Computer Interest Register 462082 and more particularly as created by Partition Order dated 21 June 1950.
Dated at Wellington this 25th day of July 2011.
LEITH COMER, Chief Executive.
Ministry of Maori Development.
(MLC HO 2/3/1/3; DO 128 Waikato MB 287-288)