Notice Title

Revoking a State Highway and Declaring a Section of State Highway-State Highway 36, Pyes Pa Bypass, Tauranga

Pursuant to section 103 of the Land Transport Management Act 2003, the Secretary for Transport gives notice that, with effect from 24 June 2011:
(a) Part of State Highway 36 described in the First Schedule is revoked.
(b) The section of new road described in the Second Schedule is declared to be State Highway 36.
First Schedule
Part of State Highway 36 commencing at old Route Position 0/0 at the intersection of State Highway 29 and Pyes Pa Road and extending in a generally southerly direction to old Route Position 2/1.93 (on Pyes Pa Road); the length of State highway to be revoked is 3.93 kilometres.
Second Schedule
The newly constructed Pyes Pa Bypass commencing at
new Route Position 0/0 at the intersection of State Highway 29 and Takitimu Drive and extending in a generally
south-easterly direction to new Route Position 0/4.50 (about 160 metres south of the recently constructed intersection with Pyes Pa Road); the length of State highway to be declared is 4.50 kilometres.
Dated at Wellington this 15th day of June 2011.
MARTIN MATTHEWS, Secretary for Transport.