Notice Type
Land Notices
Notice Title

Authorisation of the Exchange of Part of Conservation Land for Other Land

Under the Conservation Act 1987, the Conservator of the West Coast Conservancy of the Department of Conservation authorises the exchange of the conservation land described in the First Schedule for the land described in the Second Schedule.
Nelson Land District-Buller District
First Schedule
ha Description
4.664 Section 1 SO 440513.
Second Schedule
ha Description
12.4024 Section 5 SO 440513 (formerly Part Section 18 Block V Inangahua Survey District), being Part Computer Freehold Register NL67/21.
7.9789 Section 6 SO 440513 (formerly Part Section 17 Block V Inangahua Survey District), being Part Computer Freehold Register NL9A/1024.
2.1829 Section 7 SO 440513 (formerly Part Section 17 Block V Inangahua Survey District), being Part Computer Freehold Register NL9A/1024.
Dated at Hokitika this 10th day of May 2011.
MIKE SLATER, Conservator.
(DOC HK PAL-06-11-43)