Notice Type
General Section
Notice Title

Notice for Industry Referendum on Draft Revised Code for the Transfer of Telecommunications Services ("Customer Transfer Code")

Pursuant to Schedule 2 of the Telecommunications Act 2001, the Telecommunications Carriers’ Forum (TCF) has amended the Code for Transfer of Telecommunications Services ("Customer Transfer Code") dated 4 July 2011 and is now issuing this for industry referendum.
The code applies to service providers for the transfer of all telecommunications services (except as listed in clause 6 in the draft Customer Transfer Code) and includes the following determined telecommunications services:
1. Designated access services determined under
the Commerce Commission’s Decision 497 (Determination on the TelstraClear Application
for Determination for Wholesale Designated Access Services);
2. Designated access services determined under
the Commerce Commission’s Decision 525 (Determination on the TelstraClear Application
for Determination for Residential Wholesale Designated Access Services);
3. Other designated access services or specified services determined by the Commerce Commission in the future.
"Eligible persons" within the meaning of the Telecommunications Act 2001 are entitled to cast a vote in the referendum.
The purpose of the referendum is to determine whether at least 75% of eligible persons support the revised draft Customer Transfer Code.
If that threshold is attained, the TCF will forward the revised draft Code to the Telecommunications Commissioner for approval as a "regulated" Telecommunications Access Code under the Telecommunications Act 2001.
The referendum will close on Friday 16 September 2011 at 5.00pm.
A copy of the draft revised code can be downloaded from the TCF website