Notice Title

Amendment to the Osteopathic Council (Fees and Disciplinary Levy) Notice 2011

Pursuant to sections 130(1)(c) and 132(1) of the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003, the Osteopathic Council (Fees and Disciplinary Levy) Notice 2011, published in the New Zealand Gazette, 3 February 2011, No. 11, page 263, is amended under heading Osteopath Scope of Practice as follows:
By inserting the following text before the sub-heading "Application for registration":
"Application for an interim practising certificate in the case of:
- an applicant registered under the ANZOC overseas assessment process endorsed by the council 4,600.00
- an applicant registered under the Competent Authority Pathway endorsed by the council 4,600.00
- an applicant who is returning to practise as an osteopath after three or more years of not practising 2,300.00"
By deleting the following text:
"Assessment of overseas candidates for registration (includes $250.00 non-refundable component if an assessment of an applicant does not permit the applicant to proceed to registration) 4,600.00"
Dated at Wellington this 16th day of June 2011.
ANDREW CHARNOCK, Registrar, Osteopathic Council.