Notice Type
Notice Title

Amendment to the Register of Valuers

Pursuant to section 36 of the Valuers Act 1948, in the List of Public Valuers, published as a Supplement to the New Zealand Gazette, 11 July 2011, No. 99, page 2835, please insert
Simpson, Mark Hamish PO Box 423, Queenstown 9348 19-Jun-1996
Thayer, Trevor Graeme PO Box 370, Invercargill 9840 16-Feb-1985
Todd, Robert Glendinning PO Box 370, Invercargill 9840 19-May-2000
Ure, Murray George Glenham, RD 1, Wyndham 9891 30-Dec-1979
Wood, Alistair William Colliers International Limited, PO Box 416, Queenstown 9348 13-Mar-1989
in the correct alphabetical order under the heading "SOUTHLAND"; and insert
Waldron, Shane Gregory 13 Bremner Street, Fairfield, Dunedin 29-Sep-1984
in the correct alphabetical order under the heading "OTAGO".
Dated at Wellington this 25th day of October 2011.
M. DOYER, Registrar, Valuers Registration Board.