Notice Type
Notice Title

Medical Practitioner Who May Prescribe, Administer, or Supply Controlled Drugs for the Purpose of Treating Drug Dependence

Pursuant to section 24(7)(a) of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1975, I, Susanna Every-Palmer, acting under delegated authority from the Minister of Health, specify that Dr Peter Neil Cowley (Medical Council Registration No. 10056) is
a medical practitioner who may prescribe, administer, or supply controlled drugs for the purposes of that section, subject to the following conditions:
1. The prescription, administration, or supply of controlled drugs for the treatment of dependence is limited to patients of the clinic at 20 Victoria Street, Masterton, operated by CareNZ.
2. The prescription, administration, or supply of controlled drugs for the treatment of dependence is limited to patients dependent on an opioid or opioids.
3. Dr Peter Neil Cowley’s power to authorise other medical practitioners is limited to section 24(2)(b)
of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1975, and section 24(2)(d) of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1975 insofar as a medical practitioner may only be authorised to treat patients who have been under the care of the clinic at 20 Victoria Street, Masterton, operated by CareNZ.
4. Dr Peter Neil Cowley will have appropriate professional contact with regional and/or national organisations involved in the treatment of dependency with controlled drugs.
5. Dr Peter Neil Cowley will adhere to the conditions under which his application and the application of
the clinic at 20 Victoria Street, Masterton, operated by CareNZ, were made.
6. This notice expires on 31 October 2014.
Dated at Wellington this 25th day of October 2011.
DR SUSANNA EVERY-PALMER, Acting Director of Mental Health.