Pursuant to section 14(8) of the Dumping and Countervailing Duties Act 1988, and acting under delegated authority
from the Chief Executive of the Ministry of Economic Development, I have initiated a review of the imposition of anti-dumping duty in respect of the goods described in the Schedule to this notice (the goods).
This initiation follows the receipt of an application made by the New Zealand industry providing positive evidence justifying the need for a review.
Anti-dumping duty was imposed on the goods as the result of several separate determinations, the first of which was made in 1989.
The imposition of the anti-dumping duty on the goods was last subject to a review completed on 25 March 2006.
The current rate of duty on the goods results from a reassessment of the duty dated on the 11th day of September 2006, and published in the New Zealand Gazette,
14 September 2006, No. 107, page 3184.
Goods Subject to Review
Country of Origin
Description of Goods
Standard plasterboard of a nominal thickness from, but not including, 6mm and up to, but not including, 12mm, of any width or length.
The goods are classified under Tariff Item and Statistical Key 6809.11.00 10D of the Tariff of New Zealand, which classification is provided for convenience and Customs purposes only, the written description being dispositive.
Dated at Wellington this 5th day of September 2011.
ROBIN HILL, Chief Advisor, Trade Rules, Remedies and Tariffs Group, Competition, Trade and Investment Branch.
Invitation for Submissions
A copy of the non-confidential version of the Initiation Memorandum, which details the consideration of the application for initiation of a review, is available from
the Trade Rules, Remedies and Tariffs Group, Competition, Trade and Investment Branch, Ministry of Economic Development, PO Box 1473, Wellington 6140, or by email
or on the Ministry’s website
Interested parties are invited to make submissions in relation to the review at the address given above.